MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual
Page 31

Bogart SE 2 user manual
storyboard and can be Removed at any time .
The button "Remove" offers the possibility to delete the first
and the last part of the background scene in front of or behind
the insert scene .
Overlapped background sequences are automatically put back
together .
Neighboured insert scenes can certainly be connected with a
transition effect .
(14) After you have added an insert and the scene is still
selected in the storyboard, you can use the "Range" button to
modify inserted scenes .
These scenes can either be shifted (Set the mode to "Posi-
tion”, and then click "Start” .) The Insert scene can also be
re-trimmed at the beginning or at the end (using the "IN/OUT"
buttons in Trim mode) . The function “Trim E” allows you to see
the insert-scene while trimming .
For Insert scenes the user is brought to the usual Range menu .
Here also you can display and hide the audio wave form with
the loudspeaker symbols (section 3 .2) .
If you click on the "Range" button while no insert scene is
activated, you can reach every position of the activated scene
or of the entire storyboard . This function is helpful if you have
added a very long scene to the storyboard and want to view
its middle position . You can reach the desired position by the
help of the button "Position" or with the arrow buttons – the
slider to the right shows the current position in relation to the
complete storyboard . The position can also be changed by
clicking the play button; the stop button stops playback . If you
exit the "Range" menu by clicking on "Ok", the new position is
confirmed .
(15) Scenes are added to the storyboard from the scene bin .
The selected scene in the scene bin is added to the storyboard
by clicking the "Add" button .
The added scene always appears after the currently selected
scene in the storyboard .
There is one exception . When the very first scene is the cur-
rent scene in the storyboard, the user is asked by the system
whether the scene to add should be put In front or Behind the
first scene .
There also exists the possibility to cancel .
If you add the scene before the first scene then you will be
asked – if there is audio on a music track – whether the music
track should be shifted backward . Answering Yes causes all
audio tracks to be shifted (synchronized to the picture) . No
causes the music tracks 1 and 2 (thus the sound tracks 3 and
4) to stay at their time position, and this causes them to slip
under another previous scene .
When the scene has been inserted, the original in the scene
bin can be deleted or trimmed without affecting the storyboard
scene .
(16) The function "Remove" deletes the scene located in the
center of the storyboard from the storyboard . An "Insert"
scene can also deleted, and this uncovers the background . If
you have already created audio and the scene to be deleted is
affected, then you will receive a warning message telling you
that an audio sample will be deleted . By removing a scene
from the Storyboard, this very scene will be highlighted in the
scene bin, allowing you to fast sort the Storyboard .
(17) Clicking on "Replace" causes the selected scene in the
center of the storyboard to be replaced by the active scene
in the scene bin . This can be a completely different scene, or
the same scene with different In and Out points . For example,
if you find that a scene is too long and needs shortening . If
the scene makes use of effects, remember that changing the
scene may result in a different effect length . If the new scene
is shorter than the previous one, it may also affect the audio
tracks beneath .
(18) The "Search" button makes it possible to find the same
scene in the scene bin that is currently selected in the story-
board (assuming it has not been deleted or renamed) . After
clicking on "Search" the scene in the scene bin is activated
and can, for example, be trimmed or split . Finally, the scene in
the storyboard can be replaced with the newly trimmed scene .
If you have deleted the scene from the scene bin, then after
you click on "Search" the message "The scene was not found .
Should it be re-created?" appears . If you then click on "Yes"
and the scene will again appear in the scene bin . This function
can be activated at any time, even after restart, after which a
deleted scene cannot normally be re-created .
Note: Searching for scenes in the Storyboard can be a lot
easier with the (in some cases optional) Power Key keyboard
and software.
(19) "New" creates a scene whose duration ("Length") can
be set up to 1 minute and whose contents can be set from a
selection list .
This is very interesting for leaders and trailers (black video), but
also for certain crossfade effects . The length of the scene can
be set using the slider (max . of 1 minute) . Alternatively, enter
the length directly .
Clicking on the button "New" causes a list of various options
to appear . The list is already split . The top part shows already
used effects . This is the favourites list, with the 10 last effects
used, making it easier to find them . Below the line, you can see
the regular effect list .
The following new scenes are available
in the standard version: a) Countdown b) Color bars c) Color d)
Ksebara e) Pattern f) Black
Further effects are available on additional CDs/DVDs that you
can obtain either as full or demo versions from your dealer .
You can select a new scene simply by clicking on it or by acti-
vating the slider control .
a) Countdown
This function creates a countdown effect . For each second,
it shows a number counting backwards . You can change the