MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual

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10 Chapter 3


Sliders can be either horizontal or vertical . After a slider has
been clicked, the ball of the trackball is used to control mo-
vement of the slider . The cursor disappears and the trackball
now controls the slider . Control of the slider is relinquished by
again pressing one of the trackball's buttons . Clicking the left
button accepts the current slider setting . Clicking the right but-
ton cancels any changes you have made and returns the slider
to its previous position .
You can use the arrow buttons (usually to the right of a hori-
zontal slider or below a vertical slider) to step through footage
one step at a time(e .g . from one frame to the next) . The sym-
bols |< and >| are used in the Edit menu to jump to the begin-
ning or end of the storyboard .

Some of the vertical sliders feature a small square box on
the top edge . You can find this box in items such as lists, for
example in the Clipboard .The box has three different modes,
which can be selected by clicking on the box itself .
If the box contains an X, you are selecting merely the high-
lighted item in the list .
If a Check marks the box, you will be selecting all items from
the list that are `checked´ for loading . A highlighted item wi-
thout a checkmark in its box, shall not be selected .
If you can see horizontal lines in the box, all items in the list
are selected . Now, you can either leave all items selected, or
remove a single item from being selected by clicking into its
box and removing the checkmark .

There are also sliders, which allow you to select numerical
values such as effect options .

A special feature of Bogart SE is that you can click onto the
value to the right of the slider to revert to the preset value . For
example, if you have set the value for the effect `Bars´ to 20
and confirmed it, simply click onto the number 20 to revert
back to the original, preset value of 10 . The slider automatically
jumps back to the original position and becomes active .

Name field

By clicking on this button you cause an on-screen keyboard to
appear showing the name of the currently selected scene . You
can then use this keyboard to enter a new name .

On-Screen keyboard

At certain points, such as in the text input menu for titling,
Bogart SE allows or requires text input, (for example when
naming scenes, entering text for titles, and naming audio
sequences) .

Users who have installed the PowerKey option or who have
connected a USB keyboard can enter the text with the external
keyboard . (But only when the on-screen keyboard is displa-
yed) . Otherwise the on-screen keyboard appears, allowing text
entry with the trackball . The text is entered by using the track-
ball to click on each individual letter key . Some of the keys are
especially important:

(1) Delete key (delete text letter-by-letter) .
(2) Newline key (start a new line) .
(3) Shift key (toggle between uppercase and lowercase) .
(4) Single shift key (only the next key appears in uppercase) .
(5) ALT key (special characters, such as @ and €) .
(6) The S key to the left, used to display the special characters
menu . In this menu you find all the available characters, inclu-
ding many letters used in foreign languages, (e .g . "ç") or letters
with accents in French . If you want to enter the characters "é",
"á", or "ô", you can either select them in the special characters
menu or use the normal keyboard . Click first on the accent and
then on the corresponding letter . The accent is not displayed
until you select the letter .

When the keyboard is displayed you will see that the entire
current name of the scene is highlighted . This allows you to
immediately delete the entire name . A new name can then be
quickly entered .
If you only want to change one letter within the word, click
on the letter just after the letter to be changed or move the
cursor (vertical bar) by using the arrow buttons to the right of
the scene name . Press the delete key and then the key for the
new letter . You can insert new characters into text in the same
way . Simply click on the character just after the desired insert
position and then type in the desired characters . Characters
are inserted just before the cursor .

IN and OUT Points