MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual
Page 44

42 Chapter 4
entire screen in the background . The second scene is inset on
it as a reduced image . The position of the small image can be
set in the effect options with the button "Location" . The but-
tons "Shadow" and "Frame" are used to set a value from 0-50 .
The frame color can be set with the color box through the
button "Frame Color" . Avoid using very strong colors, because
this can lead to jaggedness in the upper-right and lower-right
corners . For the picture-in-picture effect audio is not cross-
faded, as is the case with all other effects, but instead only the
audio of the first scene (background video) is used . You can
change this default setting by using audio mixing .
13. Random lines: This effect transforms the first scene to the
second by continuously covering the first scene with randomly
positioned lines from the second scene .
14. Rectangle wipe: This effect changes from one scene to
another with a rectangle containing a scene and which be-
comes steadily larger or smaller . Under "Position" you can
set the "Location" and "Size" of a rectangle where the sides
increase or decrease in proportion to each other . The direction
can be chosen with "Mode" . "In" means that the second scene
overlays the first scene with a rectangle that begins in the
center of the screen and grows outward until only the second
scene is visible . With "Out" the first scene is in a rectangle
covering the screen but which then becomes steadily smaller
until it disappears, having been replaced by the second scene .
15. Scale: Under "Position" you can set the "Location" and
"Size" of a rectangle where the sides always increase or
decrease in proportion to each other . If you choose the option
"Grow" under "Type", the second scene is zoomed into the
first scene . The scene is scaled to fit proportionately into the
rectangle and increases or decreases in size according to the
sides of the rectangle . If you choose the option "Shrink" the
opposite occurs . The first scene is in the rectangle covering
the screen and gradually becomes smaller until it disappears,
having been replaced by the second scene .
16. Stripe fade: This effect changes from one scene to anoth-
er by dividing the first scene into stripes which are then faded
out while the second scene can already be seen in the back-
ground . You can specify the number of "Stripes" from 2-32 .
Under "Mode" you can specify the direction of the stripes (you
have the choice between "Horizontal" and "Vertical") .
17. ZI Page turn: This effect lets the first scene fold over like a
book page, revealing the second scene . You can specify the "Di-
rection", the direction of the "Fixed corners", and the "Quality" .
Note: Since this manual was printed, the software version may
have been changed. The standard effects in your system may
vary from the ones listed here.
6. Color fade: With this effect the first scene fades into a
specifiable color and from there fades into the second scene .
Such a fade is popular, for example, with edited interviews,
where a hard cut or other transition emphasizes the partici-
pant's movement . The usual color box is used here to set the
"Color" . For this effect black or white is the usual choice .
7. Crossfade: This effect is the classical fade . Next to the hard
cut, this is certainly the most frequently used type of scene
transition . The first scene is transformed gradually into the
second, whereby with increasing time the first scene becomes
less and less visible and the second more and more . As with
all transition effects both scenes remain in movement . Simply
freezing a scene is not attractive and is no longer supported by
Bogart SE .
8. Double exposure: This effect is the classical double expo-
sure as it has been used in film for the last hundred years, and
leads to a very atmospheric picture transition . In essence, it
is an extended fade . With "Mode" you can choose between
"Crossfade" (normal usage) and "Fade In/Out" (recommended
for inserts) . The "Fade time" (sum of fade-in and fade-out)
can be set for up to 12 seconds . Under "Mix" you can set the
proportion of the scenes involved up to 100% . If the control for
the mix proportion is set to 0%, then the first scene is shown
in full . For 100% you see only the second scene . With 50%
both scenes are shown with the same intensity . This is suitable
for normal transitions . Don't forget to specify the duration of
the effect with the corresponding buttons . You will usually use
the "x s" button to set the duration to the maximum so that
the transition takes effect throughout the entire double scene .
For this case you should trim both scenes to the same length
beforehand .
9. Field changer: The scenes in this effect are alternated in
half images with each other so that a strobing effect ensues
keeping both scenes in movement . This effect can be used for
creating 3D PAL videos, if you have suitable footage .
10. Gate: With this effect you can call up the color box with the
button "Color" in order to specify which color the gate should
have . The gate closes from opposite sides of the screen over
the first scene . Under "Direction" you specify whether the
opposite sides are top and bottom, or left and right . After the
bars have met at screen center, they reverse direction, moving
out of the picture and revealing the second scene .
11. Pattern fade: This effect fades the second scene by us-
ing the pattern you have selected from the Image Pool . You
can choose between “Wipe” and “Split Screen” to achive the
ffect you want . In addition, select the color for the border:
“None“(no border), “Soft” or “Color” .
12. Picture in picture: This is not really a true transition effect .
But Bogart SE handles it as an effect because it affects two
scenes simultaneously . The first of the two scenes fills the