MacroSystem Smart Edit 4.1d Release Notes User Manual
Smart edit 4.1d, New in 4.0

New Features of Smart Edit 41.d
- Required for use of Photo Studio 2
- Allows use of Seagate 300 GB hard drives.
Changes since Smart Edit 4.0a
- Kron and Avio users have the choice between working in DV projects at 12-bit 32 Khz audio,
or at 16-bit 44.1 Khz audio. Previous 4.0 versions only supported 12-bit 32 Khz audio in those machines.
Newer Casablanca machines will still default to 16-bit 48 Khz audio.
- Motion Menu backgrounds in Arabesk2 will now render properly.
- Avio now includes the star graphics.
- Fixes for 64MB machines so now Photo Import, PC Link, and Sample-to-Scene work properly.
New in 4.0
(from SmartEdit 3)
Ability to load Operating System from CD
Just go to Install Product, insert the CD, and activate SmartEdit 4.1a (ntsc) in the list. Then, let the
system reboot, and install the new OS on your machine. (Please see instructions for Kron plus or
Solitaire units with multiple hard drives)
A single software installer works for Avio, Kron, Prestige, and Solitaire
No longer will you need to have a separate installer for the different types of units. Now one installer
will work on any Casablanca II unit.
Smart Rendering for all units
Any unit running version 4 will now be able to render effects in the background while you work. This
will save you time, and you will hardly ever have to look at the rendering status bar again!
Faster effect Rendering
Most effects will render faster on version 4 due to the use of a new rendering codec from Main
Concept in conjunction with our hardware.
Ethernet Connectivity to an existing network
If you have a local network, or a ethernet crossover cable, you will be able to transfer DV-AVI files from
the Casablanca to a PC, or from a PC to the Casablanca through your web browser with incredible
Firewire video transfer to computers
Use a normal firewire cable to send video to or from a computer video application. No special
software is needed... we are compatible with Windows Movie Maker, and iMovie which are free
applications with WindowsXP or Mac OSX!
New Titler
Version 4 implements a completely new titler that allows you to work on your title at full resolution,
add graphics, and more options.
Individually customizable audio tracks
Each audio track can be set to locked or unlocked. Also, you have the choice of linear (dipped) or
logarithmic (smooth) audio fades on each project.
Audio effect previews
You can get an audio preview of effects in the Audio Edit screen.
Improved Color selection interface
You have the option of choosing from one of six user-defined color to give one-click access to the
colors you use often, or sample a color from the scene you are working with.
Add custom images to the image pool
Take still images from your clips and add them to the image pool for use as title box backgrounds,
textures, transition masks, or patterns.
Casablanca Release Notes
for Casablanca Avio DVD, Prestige, Kron+ and Solitaire
Smart Edit 4.1d
5 4 8 5 C o n e s t o g a C o u r t B o u l d e r , C O 8 0 3 0 1
p h o n e 3 0 3 - 4 4 0 - 5 3 1 1 • f a x 3 0 3 - 4 4 0 - 5 3 2 2
e m a i l : i n f o @ m a c r o s y s t e m . u s
w w w . m a c r o s y s t e m . u s