MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual
Page 46
44 Chapter 4
(9) Clicking on the "Preview" button opens a small screen in
which the video plus the effect runs . In this way you can judge
and perhaps make corrections (for color, intensity, time, etc .)
to the effect before creating it .
The running time of the preview will correspond approximately
to the time of the calculated effect . The preview may be a lit-
tle "jittery", because it does not run at the normal frame rate .
This will not occur in the created effect . A preview requires no
space on the hard-drive .
(10) After you have inserted an Image Processing effect and
perhaps specified its range, you can click on "Full Size" (if your
system is provided with this function) to bring up an additional
menu . In the background you see the middle frame of the
entire segment for the inserted Image Processing effect (if the
effect is applied on the entire scene, then you will see the mid-
dle frame of the video scene) .
An operating panel with effect options (to the right, if there are
any for the selected effect), overlays the video .
The button below “display” gives the choice between different
display modes to help you assess the effect in the best possi-
ble way . Depending on the selected effect, it may be useful to
change the display mode . “Original” (shows the just selected
new scene) . “Compare” halves the image, with the right screen
half showing your new scene and the left any scene that you
can choose using the “Choose scene” button (below) from the
edit bin . The compare function can therefore be used to adapt
the colour tone of your scene to an already present scene .
“O+E centre”, unlike “Orig . + Effect”, always compares the
centre part of a scene, on the left the original and on the right
together with the effect . This comparison type is suitable for
effects that appear mostly in the centre of an image .
The “O+E small” display type shows you the complete origi-
nal scene compared to the effect . Both scenes are smaller
previews . However, remember you can't see fine details in this
fashion, as opposed to larger effect previews . It can be very
useful for image processing effects, comparing the original and
the effect scene with each other .
“C centre” has a preview style comparable to “Compare”, but
in this case, the centre part of the scene is focussed on, as the
most important part of the scene is often found in the centre . For
example, if you want to apply an image processing effect such
as Color Correction in order to adapt that scene's colour tone to
other scenes, a comparison in full size is a good solution .
“C small” = If however, you are fine working with a smaller
preview, you can switch it to small . This simply allows you to
compare the scene with the effect as a whole, yet in smaller
preview screens .
Tip: It is recommended to switch back and forth between the
different modes while working on the effects. This way, you can
experience the scene in its completeness.
Above the function "Display" you see the "Frame" slider with
which you can set the point in time of the long-term effect that
you want to view . In this way you can view the inserted effect
at any point in time of the scene . The button does not have to
be confirmed, so that you can scroll slowly through the scene
and view the effect at the same time .
Of course, you can change the effect options as you wish and
thus have the possibility of directly comparing various colors
and directions .
The effect options can be set directly in this window, while
watching a real-time preview . The selection of the sliders does
not have to be confirmed .
The effect options set in this menu are accepted with "OK"
and you are returned to the Edit menu . With "Cancel" you exit
the "Full Size" menu without changes .
The arrow button serves to move the Single-image menu to
the upper screen edge .
(11) When you click on the "Create" button a window appears
in which the effect can be viewed as it is created . After com-
pleted calculation the outline of the effect symbol is blue .
When you calculate an effect Bogart SE reads all individual
images from the scene in question and applies the effect to
it . The result is stored on the hard drive . This procedure takes
time and consumes hard-drive capacity .
When recording data you should always leave a small amount
of hard drive capacity in reserve . Depending on how often
effects are used, this should be between 2% and 10% of the
video playing time .
Although it is theoretically possible to apply an effect to the
entire video material, it is usually not meaningful to apply a
general color or brightness correction to all the footage . This
would require extensive hard-drive capacity and would take
a long time to be calculated . It is better to make such correc-
tions when recording from the video input device using the
sliders in the "Video settings" screen .
(12) If the "Scene" button is available on your system, you cam
make use of the Multi-layer technique .
If you would like to overlay several long-term effects, you at
first insert an effect into a scene and create it . Then you con-
vert the scene with the inserted effect into a separate scene .
To do this click on the button "Scene" . A window appears in
which you can select the range for the new scene . The name
of the effect applied appears under "Name" as default name
for the new scene . You can change this name by clicking on it
and calling up the keyboard .
You also have the three options "Effect", "Effect + Scene(s)",
and "Range" . In order to make a new scene just from the effect
with the previously set range, click on "Effect" . Furthermore,
you can choose if a new scene is added to the Scene Bin and/
or if it is to replace the Scene + Effect in the Storyboard . Click
onto `Ok´ so that the effect is turned into a scene and added as
selected above .
You can also adjust the length of the new scene to the range
of the previous scene (with inserted effect) . In this case click
on "Effect + Scene(s)" and then - once you have selected
where it is added - on `OK´ . The new scene is created and ap-