MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual

Page 41

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Bogart SE 2 user manual

On the left side you see the button "Frame" below the effect
name . You can use this button to specify the point in time of
the transition effect you want to see .
In this way you can observe the applied effect at any point in
time of the scene . The button does not have to be confirmed –
you can scroll slowly through this part of the scene and view it
at the same time .
The button “Display” below allows you to select from different
display modes, which can help you to check an effect more
precisely . Depending on the selected effect, it may be useful to
change the display mode . “Original” (shows the just selected
new scene) . The `Effect´ setting allows you to see the scene
for the time only relevant to the effect chosen . `Orig . + Effect´
splits the scene display vertically and shows one scene half as
the original and the other with the chosen effect . “Compare”
halves the image, with the right screen half showing your new
scene and the left any scene that you can choose using the
“Choose scene” button (below) from the edit bin . The compare
function can therefore be used to adapt the colour tone of your
scene to an already present scene . “O+E centre”, unlike “Orig .
+ Effect”, always compares the centre part of a scene, on the
left the original and on the right together with the effect . This
comparison type is suitable for effects that appear mostly in
the centre of an image . The “O+E small” display type shows
you the complete original scene (at transitions, the left scene)
smaller in the left preview screen . This display type shows you
miniature versions of the scenes . However, remember you
can't see fine details in this fashion, as opposed to larger effect
previews . It can be very useful for image processing effects,
comparing the original and the effect scene with each other .
“C centre” has a preview style comparable to “Compare”, but
in this case, the centre part of the scene is focussed on, as the
most important part of the scene is often found in the centre .
For example, if you want to apply an image processing effect
such as Color Correction in order to adapt that scene's colour
tone to other scenes, a comparison in full size is a good solu-
tion .

Tip: It is recommended to switch back and forth between the
different modes while working on the effects. This way, you can
experience the scene in its completeness.

You can also change the effect options to directly compare
different colors or directions . Here you’ll also get a real-time

preview, too . Therefore the selection of the sliders does not
have to be confirmed .
The settings made in this menu are confirmed with "OK" and
you are returned to the Edit menu . With "Cancel" you leave the
"Full Size" menu without saving any changes .
The arrow button serves to move the menu bar to the upper
screen edge .

(11) If the inserted effect shows a symbol outlined in red, then
it must be created . When you click on the "Create" button a
screen appears in which the course of the effect can be seen
as it is created . After the creation is completed the symbol's
outline is blue .

(12) If your system supports the function "scene" you can
make use of the multi-layer technique . If you want to overlap
several transition effects, you at first add one effect between
two scenes and create it . Then you create a single scene from
the two scenes and the inserted effect . To do this you click
on the "Scene" button so that a window appears in which you
can select the range for the new scene . The name of the used
transition effect appears next to "Name" and is given as de-
fault name for the new scene . If desired, you can enter another
name by clicking and using the keyboard that appears .

You also see the three options "Effect", "Effect + scene(s)",
and "Range" . If you only want to convert the effect with the
previously set range into a new scene, then click on "Effect" .
Furthermore, you can choose if a new scene is added to the
Scene Bin and/or if it is to replace the Scene + Effect in the
Storyboard . Click onto `Ok´ so that the effect is turned into a
scene and added as selected above .
You can also let the length of the new scene extend beyond
the range of the two previous scenes (with inserted effect) .
In this case click onto "Effect + scene(s)" and then (once you
have selected where it is to be added) onto "OK" .
Alternatively, you can create the scene from the entire length
of or from a portion of the storyboard . Click onto "Range", se-
lect how it is to be added and then confirm with "OK" . Use the
IN and OUT points (in the now familiar Range menu) to select
the range of the new scene . The wave form can help you to do
this (section 3 .3) . The wave form can be displayed/hidden with
the loudspeaker symbol .
Then click on "OK" in the Range menu and the scene is cre-
ated and stored in the Edit menu .
Of course, you can also create a separate scene from a portion
of the storyboard in which there is no effect . Simply select a
point in the storyboard and click on "Scene" . In the window
that is displayed only the function "Range" is enabled . Specify
a range and click on "OK" . Then you can view the new scene
in the Edit menu .

(13) Here, you can see two buttons that have an effect on
sound effects .
Once you have added a Transition Effect between two scenes,
you can click onto the Note symbol to add a sound effect . A