MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual

Page 43

background image


Bogart SE 2 user manual


The transitions are always added/deleted form the current

Storyboard position on.

You can have more variety by adding effects automatically

and then choosing a point in the Storyboard to add one or
more effect automatically once more. Any effects already
found will be replaced by the new ones.

If you want to use an effect length longer than the effects

allows for, the effect will automatically be shortened. In such
cases, you may find that a transition can't be added any more
if a scene is already occupied by another effect.

The effect selection will be abandoned if you switch to an-

other product display.

Das Einfügen von Effekten mit einer fixen Wiederholung (z.B.

20x Umblättern) ist mit der optionalen PowerKey Hard- und
Software möglich.

(16) Loop mode for the preview

Go to “New” and “Special” to find a new button in the edit
menu: The Loop mode . You will find the same function in the
effect menus . This button opens a small menu that allows you
to select an effect for the active scene . at the same time, the
scene will be played with the effect parameters so that you can
directly see any implications of the changes you make to the
parameters . Once the end of the scene is reached, the scene
will restart and continue playing in loop mode . As soon as you
make any changes of the effect parameters, playback will be
stopped and the scene will play from the start again .

You can work fast using the Loop mode . In addition, any effect
changes that are only visible if the scene is in motion, can be
changed here more comfortably than in the single frame pre-
view, where your changes are applied to a still image .

The transition effects in detail

The following transition effects belong to the basic package on
the CD/DVD .

1. 3D Mosaic: The first scene is divided into small squares,
the number of which you can set in the effect options under

"Number of Squares" (between 1 and 15) . The squares "fly"
out of the picture and reveal the second scene .

2. 3D Stripes: The second scene is pushed into the picture in
the "Direction" you choose (from top to bottom, or from bot-
tom to top) with from 2 to 30 stripes ("Number of stripes") .

3. Bars: The new picture either pushes ("Type" "Push") the old
with from 2 to 200 "Bars" out of view or superimposes itself
("Type" "Inset") . Under "Direction" you have a choice of six .
Two are interlocked (come from two sides) . Recommended
duration: 0 .5 to 2 seconds .

4. Blue box: With this effect you can remove undesirable
elements from a foreground scene and place the remaining
motif on another background . (This is also commonly called a
"chroma-key" effect) You are probably familiar with this effect,
it is used by weather forecasters on television . The speaker
actually stands in front of a blue wall and is projected onto the
weather map .
The background scene can be any motif . The foreground
scene, located in the storyboard directly after the background
scene, should show an object (thing or person) in front of a sin-
gle-colored (blue is very suitable) background . You can choose
any color, but avoid using pale colors, black, or white .
With "Color Choice" you can set the largest possible box that
defines the color range of the foreground scene to be masked .
In case the (blue) surface of the foreground scene (because
of illumination) is not completely single-colored, then you can
use "Color span" to set the range in percent that the color may
deviate from the selected box ("Color choice") .
If you click "Include area", the foreground scene appears,
but with the help of a box you select here the portion of the
background scene to be used for this effect . If you want to see
your object in front of the entire background, set the box to be
as large as possible .
The "Exclude Area" button specifies the portion of the back-
ground that should remain in a single color . If you don't want
to use this portion in your video material, then make the box
smaller and move it out of the picture .
Keep in mind before calculating to adjust the running time of
the effect to the duration of both scenes by using the button "x
s" . Ideally, both scenes will be the same length .

5. Circle wipe: This effect changes from one scene to another
with a circle containing a scene and which becomes steadily
larger or smaller . The direction can be chosen with "Mode" .
"In" means that the second scene overlays the first scene
with a circle that begins in the center of the screen and grows
outward until only the second scene is visible .
With "Out" the first scene is in a circle covering the screen but
which then becomes steadily smaller until it disappears, hav-
ing been replaced by the second scene . The well-known end
to cartoon films can be replicated by using the "Black" effect
from the "New scene" list and the mode "Out" .