MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual

Page 30

background image

28 Chapter 4

chose . When using a higher resolution, you will see a larger
view of the currently selected scene on the right side .

(9) The slider below (right) the scene bin is used to select the
scenes to be displayed . The buttons next to the slider can also
be used to move through the Scene bin one scene at a time .
The buttons "|<" and ">|" are used to jump to the beginning or
the end of the scene bin . The "<" and ">" buttons will move
through the scene bin one scene at a time .

(10) The Playback button is to the right of the storyboard slider .
This button is used to playback the active scene displayed in
the center of the scene bin .
Stop and Pause buttons are also available .

(11) Clicking on this "i" button displays a window showing
information about the activated scene in the scene bin . In the
upper part of this window you’ll see the timecode, the record-
ing date, the recording time and the format .
Further, you can call up the keyboard by clicking on "Enter/
change comment" in order to add your notes to this scene,
which then will be displayed in the lower box .
Clicking on "Ok" confirms the notes, so that it will be displayed
in this information window when it is called up again .

(12) In case you have not yet renamed the scenes in the
Record screen, you again have the chance here to give the
scenes your own names . Simply select the desired scene in
the scene bin and then click on this button to bring up the on-
screen keyboard . If you have the PowerKey option, then you
can use this keyboard to clear the old name and enter a new
name .

(13) Many users require "overlapping" of certain video se-
quences with other scenes without changing the original audio .
Example: a music video . A complete recording of the singer is
available . Certain portions of this recording are to be substi-
tuted with other scenes, but the view of the artist singing is
to reappear several times . The movement of the singer's lips
should always be synchronized with the music . This means
that the original audio does not change, even though scenes
are changed .

Bogart SE offers an easy way to do this: With an Insert-edit,
the selected scene in the scene bin is overlaid onto the story-
board . Only the video, not the audio of the scene is overlaid .
Clicking on "Insert" overlays the selected scene in the story-
board with the selected scene from the scene bin . The scene
in the storyboard (background) is then partially or completely
covered with the insert scene (foreground) . The background
scene must, of course, be longer than the foreground scene .
The range (start position, length) can be set freely and changed
at any time, even after the Insert is placed . Every click on "In-
sert" leads automatically to a Range menu .

The starting point, which is by default set to the first frame of
the insert, can be moved towards the end ("Start" button) .
To do this, you have to select “Position” . Now you can see the
background scene . To trim the insert-scene either from the
front or from behind, switch the selection button to “Trim” so
that you can see the “IN” and “OUT” buttons . During this set-
ting, you can see the background scene . Set the selection but-
ton to “Trim E” so that you can see the insert-scene instead .
The “fg+bg small” mode is used to show both foreground
and background scene in smaller versions . When trimming an
Insert scene, you’ll see the “Foreground IN” and “Foreground
OUT” screens . Above, you’ll see two smaller screens depicting
the scene frame just prior (“Backgr .IN-1”) and after (“Backgr .
OUT+”) the insert . In this fashion, you have all the information
about the insert length and the position on top of the base
scene .
Using the "Pos . small" mode, you will see the same layout
of the menu, however, in this case you are moving the insert
scene on top of the background scene . The preview for "Start"
and "End" shows you the position of the background scene,
where the insert begins and ends . The smaller scene images
above show you the "IN" and "OUT" frames of the insert itself .
Press play in the Insert menu to monitor how your insert has
been added . Press the Play button again to stop . This plays 2
seconds before and after the insert, while playing the original
audio track of the Storyboard scene . This gives you good
control over the position of the Insert . To the right of the play
button, you'll find another special Playback command which
activates a dual screen: The left image shows the background
scene and the right image the Insert scene . .Playback begins
a little before the Insert scene . You can pause playback any
time, restart and stop . Quit to return to the Edit or Main menu .

The so-called “background scene”, in other words the story
board, can be split in three parts:

1 . the background scene before the insert
2 . the Insert scene
3 . the rest of the background scene after the insert

This division allows you to place any number of insert se-
quences onto a single background scene .
Inserts are indicated in the storyboard by a symbol (two
overlapping rectangles) in the upper part of the scene in the