MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual
Page 51

Bogart SE 2 user manual
In the right area of the screen, you can see the function “Italic” .
You can activate it by selecting the empty box next to it .
The button “Smooth” is use to apply a slightly smeared look
to the text . It also may help to weaken any unwanted artefacts
resulting from video compression .
Underneath, you can see the “3D” option . The strength of the
three-dimensional effect can be set with even values between 0
and 20 by moving the slider . The effect makes the letter look as
if they had a certain depth . If you use higher values, make sure
to set a character space of around 120% so that the 3D effect
does not interfere with the letters themselves .
The “direction” can be set to four different possibilities . The ar-
row pointing towards the left top direction is recommended .
The structure of the effect can be set using the “Color/Pattern”
button . It is recommended to use a tone similar to the text color,
yet with brightness between this and the background color’s .
Below left, in the "Style" screen, you can see the “Archives”
button . The Archives allow you to save the styles you have
created . You will also find some examples of styles in the
archives . The Style screen can be closed by pressing the “OK”
button (meaning that you confirm the settings made) or by
pressing “Cancel” .
• Clicking in the text entry operation panel on the "Line” but-
ton opens a window in which the functions "Character width",
"Character space", "Alignment", "Line space" and "Delete
active line" are listed .
You can see that the settings of the buttons with percent val-
ues lie between 50% and 200%, whereby 100% corresponds
to the default setting .
In the Enter/edit text screen, click anywhere in the line of text
to be edited . Then select the button "Line” and under "Charac-
ter width" enter the desired percent . Click on "OK" to observe
the result . The letters have become wider (> 100%) or narrower
(< 100%), depending on the percent given, and the entire line
has become either longer or shorter .
The individual words in a line cannot be formatted separately .
The settings apply only to the entire line .
The function "Character space" increases or decreases the
space between the letters . In the Enter/edit text screen, click
anywhere in the line of text to be edited and select the button
"Line” . Use the "Character space" slider to enter the desired
percent of the distance .
The line is stretched (> 100%) or narrowed (< 100%), depend-
ing on the percent value given .
The individual words in a line cannot be formatted separately .
The settings apply only to the entire line .
Under the selection button "Alignment" you can specify wheth-
er the line should be formatted "left", "centered" or "right" .
With the function "Line space" you can specify the distance
between the selected line and the line below it . In the Enter/
edit text screen, click on the line that lies above the line to be
changed . Now select "Line” and under "Line space" change
the default value (=100%) to another value .
If your percent number is smaller, then the line below moves
closer to the selected line . If your percent number is larger,
then the line slides farther away toward the bottom from the
selected line . The lines below the moved line are moved along
with it, but keep their respective distances .
You can also make several settings together in the "Line"
window before clicking on "OK" . Note that the settings always
apply to the line selected beforehand!
The percent values you have set are retained . You can view
the settings and changes for the line you have selected by
activating the "Line" window . Here you can also modify the
percent values .
(If you have made changes but still see the default values of
100% in the "Line" screen, then you have selected the wrong
line before clicking on "Line" .)
Clicking on "Delete active line" causes the line containing the
position marker to be deleted . The window disappears .
The switch Import (CD symbol with an arrow) allows you
to import texts written on a computer for titling (for instance,
a text from an email with a customer's preferred credits text) .
This saves work and prevents typos . The system supports the
standard text formats `ASCII` and `UNICODE` .
When saving a text in a word processing package, make sure
to save it as such . In order to make sure that even unusual
characters are imported correctly (such as the Euro symbol),
we recommend that you use the UNICODE format too .
If you wish to import a PC text, note that only the pure text
is actually loaded, not the settings such as font type, size,
style etc . Such settings (like the text format) must be made in
Bogart SE after importing .
Before starting, make sure that you have inserted the correct
medium (CD/DVD) or connected the right device (USB stick,
Fire wire hard-drive) .
Click onto the symbol button . Now you can select the source
for the text you wish to import . Choose either the CD/DVD, the
external drive or the USB stick (for this, you require the Card
Drive software) . Following this, the texts on the source medium
will be displayed and you can now choose the text for the
import .
With the buttons on the left in the menu "Text" you can reduce
the task bar to these buttons or move it to the opposite screen
edge . With the "TE" button you return to the titler menu .
(3) Clicking on the button "Boxes" calls up an additional task
bar, with which you can create and edit text boxes .