MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual
Page 47

Bogart SE 2 user manual
pears in the scene bin .
Alternatively, you can create the new scene from the entire
length or a segment of the storyboard . Click on "Range",
select how it is added and then confirm with "OK", and use
the IN and OUT points in the familiar Range menu to select the
range containing the new scene . The wave form can be of help
(section 3 .2) and can be toggled on/off with the loudspeaker
symbol .
Then click in the Range menu on "OK" and the scene is cre-
ated and put into the Edit menu in the Scene Bin .
Of course, you can create a separate scene from a storyboard
segment in which there is no effect .
Simply select a scene in the storyboard and click on "Scene" .
In the window displayed only the function "Range" is active .
Specify a new range and click on "OK" . Now you can view the
new scene in the Edit menu .
The multi-layering technique for Image Processing effects can
also be applied by using the Edit menu to activate a scene in
the scene bin and then clicking the "Special" button . All Image
Processing effects are listed there . The effect you select is not
applied into the storyboard . Instead a copy is made of the active
scene in the scene bin with the Image Processing effect added
to it . The copy is then identified with the extension "SP", "SP 2",
etc ., as the case may be . You can carry out this procedure any
number of times . (See section 5 .5 Editing, item (19))
(13) Clicking on the menu symbols brings you directly to the
Edit, Transition effects, Titling, and to the Main menu screens .
Keep in mind: If you change a setting for an effect that has al-
ready been calculated, or change the duration, or even replace
the effect with another, the effect must then be re-created. Be
(14) The Loop mode is basically similar to the one feature in
the Transitions menu . You can read more about this in chapter
4 .7 Transition effects, point (16) .
The Image Processing effects in detail
The following Image Processing effects are available in the
standard package:
1. Binarizer: The scene is divided into two colors according to
brightness . With "Color 0" you bring up the color box in which
you select a color that replaces the darker areas . "Color 1"
replaces the brighter areas . The "Threshold" of the transition
from light to dark can be set from 0-100% . And you can set
"Transition" between the two colors from 0-100% in order to
prevent "edge shimmer" .
2. Color depth: A very frequently seen effect can be achieved
with this . The number of colors in the picture is reduced . The
"Depth" can be set from 2-50 . The "Transition" can be set from
0-100% in order to prevent "edge shimmer" .
Tip: Up to 16 million different shades of color can appear in a
video image. This allows fluid transitions. For each color com-
ponent (there are a total of three color components) there are
about 256 possible levels.
3. Color to Grey: Usually the video material is in color . This
effect can convert the video to black-and-white . If you want
to convert long segments, or perhaps even the entire video to
black-and-white, then you can set the color saturation in the
Video settings menu to 0% when initially recording the mate-
rial . This might save you long calculation times .
4. Control Color: With this effect you can correct the colors
"Red", "Green", and "Blue" in the scene (later adjustment) . You
can set the color from 0-200%, where 100% corresponds to
the regular color .
5. Control Image: With this effect you can change "Bright-
ness", "Contrast", "Saturation", and "Gamma" .
6. CVBS filter: This effect can be used to reduce edge shim-
mer which sometimes arises when using an CVBS (RCA) con-
nection . This shimmer can appear at very fine, high-contrast
edges arises to a much lesser extent or not at all when using
a S-Video connection . Using the filter causes a weak blurring
of the image . The filter should therefore only be used when
absolutely necessary .
You can set the "Strength" from 1-3 .
Tip: With a CVBS connection the signals for brightness and
color, which are normally separate, are mixed. This causes
considerable loss in the video bandwidth, especially for color.
The "CVBS filter" reduces the video bandwidth and thus re-
duces the extent of the undesired effect described above.
7. Doubler: This effect blurs the scene by overlaying the image
with itself so that a light colored shadow appears .
8. Dynamic range: This effect is used to limit the extent of
brightness and contrast . This makes possible interesting
estrangement effects . Experiment a little with the settings! The
preview offers a good approximation so that you don't have to
make time-intensive calculations . All image information is re-
tained under "Type" . "Clip" . The controls "Min" and "Max" are
used to change brightness and contrast . Under "Compress",
however, image information is lost for areas brighter than
maximum or darker than minimum, which are set to maximum
or minimum, respectively . You lose the details in the bright and
dark areas . Other areas are unaffected .
9. Fade in: This effect helps you to fade in the scene, e .g . at
the beginning of your film . Choose the desired color with the
effect options and see how the color becomes less and less
dominant until the scene is completely revealed and the color
no longer visible . This effect fades in only the picture material,
not the audio!