MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.2 User manual User Manual

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Bogart SE 2 user manual

frame of the scene you want to view .
The button "View" provides four options . With "Original" you
can view your original scene, with "Effect" you can view your
scene with the special effect applied, and "Orig . + Effect" puts
the original scene on the left screen half and the applied effect
on the right half, so that you can directly compare them .
The option "Compare" divides the screen into two parts . To
the right you see your new scene (with effect) and to the left
a scene that you can freely choose from the scene bin using
the button "Choose scene" positioned below . This enables, for
example, an exact color adjustment .
The effect options can be set directly in this window . You’ll
even get a real-time preview without having to confirm the
selection with the slider .
You accept the settings you have made for the effect options
by clicking "OK" and you are returned to the Special screen .
Clicking "Cancel" returns you from the full-size menu, but with-
out accepting any new settings you may have made .
Further on you’ll see a selection button underneath the "Pre-
view" button, which offers the following three functions:
The function "All" shows all programs which are to be found in
the system . "Default" shows the programs, which are integrat-
ed in the system and "Optional" shows the programs, which
have been installed separately only, e .g . the additional soft-
ware . You also have the possibility to let just one program be
displayed in the effect list . This function is helpful if you have
installed several effect packages, but only want to work with
one at a time .
The arrow buttons serve to move the single-image menu to the
upper screen edge .

– Copy
A scene can be copied as often as desired within the "Edit"
menu without requiring additional space on the hard drive .
Copying also requires no time .
You can simply select one of the scenes by clicking on it . The
outline of this scene changes to blue . Clicking on "Copy" cre-
ates a copy immediately .
The reason for copying is so that you can trim a copy inde-
pendently of the original .
For example, you can use several seconds of a long take in
the opening title and then insert the complete scene later at a
different point in the storyboard .
Bogart SE frequently creates copies automatically, (for ex-
ample when splitting, inserting into the storyboard, and when
creating a special effect (e .g . "slow motion") .
The "Copy" button is therefore meant only for the purpose
described above .
The copy appears in the scene bin and receives the name
of the original scene extended with " .K", for example
"vacation .K" .

– Jitter
Have no fear – Bogart SE processes your best and most de-
tailed material without jitter . But sometimes a jitter or strobo-
scope effect is desired to attain a change of pace or to give

your video an artistic note .
Simply pick a scene, select "Special", click on "Jitter", then
set the Still time (still time 000 .00:04 = one image remains as
it is for a length of time corresponding to four frames), and
in "Type" select between "Half frame" and "Full frame" . Now
you have created a stroboscopic scene that has an extension
"RU" . The option "Full Frame" has an improved picture quality
and is recommended for scenes with little motion . For scenes
with considerable motion the option "Half Frame" is recom-
mended .
Audio is not affected by Jitter and remains synchronized .
A preview of this effect is not possible . If you click on the "Pre-
view" button, a white, crossed-out circle appears .

– Backwards
Clicking on the button "Backwards" creates a scene with the
extension "RW" which has the same length as the original,
but runs backwards . The audio is also run backward . You can
mute the audio in the "Audio Mix" screen if you don't want to
hear it .

– Still Scene
Frequently a still scene is required in a video . For example, when
introducing "actors" . Bogart SE can quickly create such stills .
The selected scene in the Scene Bin is simply frozen at its
first frame for the Length of time set (up to 1 minute), using the
slider to the right . Any remaining part of the scene after the
first frame is not used to create the still image .
If you want to have a specific still image that is not the first
frame in the scene, then simply copy the scene and trim it
down to where the first frame is the desired one, then apply
the Still Scene function . The created scene has the extension
"SC" .
Under Type you have the choice between Half Frame and Full
Frame, whereby Full Frame has a better quality and is recom-
mended for scenes without too much motion . “Frame” means
that SMSRT EDIT tries to remove unwanted “artifacts” which
occur during fast movements or also during quick camera
pans . If the movements are not as dramatic, you will gain bet-
ter results and a very calm still by choosing “Frame” . In some
rare cases, it may be better to use the “field” option . There is
no audio for still images .

– Scene --> Sample
This function copies the original audio of the active scene
contained in the scene bin to the audio sample list of the audio
menu . The new audio sample is named the same as the video
scene it was created from . In this way you can use the audio of
one scene for other scenes . If you click on the "Preview" but-
ton a white, crossed-out circle appears meaning that preview
is not possible .

– Slow motion
"Slow motion" creates a scene that is a copy of the original
but which runs more slowly . You can specify the delay factor
with a slider . The higher the delay factor, the slower the scene .