JLCooper ES-SloMoJ User Manual
Page 6

Full size numeric keypad to enter and recall cue
locations and time code
Easy to read 2 line x 16 VF Display
Assemble, insert, crash and record lockout modes
Global record lock
Machine 1 control lockout
Mark In and Mark Out keys to quickly store cue points
Capacity to store 1000 cue points or 400 in and out
points with varispeed
Ability to transfer cues to/from another ES-SloMoJ or
computer for backup or editing
Ability to import/export cues from/to Ash Vale SM-2a
Programmable cueing modes
Automatic play All Cues function
2 user assignable buttons
Log operation for QC Applications
16 variable replay speeds
EE/PB switching control
EJECT function for tape based decks
Controls most VTRs and hard disk based systems
Direct support for Doremi Video Servers
Direct support for Odetics compatible video servers
10 foot (3m) detachable control and power cable with
recessed connector to minimize footprint
AC or DC power, 90~240 volts AC, 50/60 Hz or,
9-12 volts DC