JLCooper ES-SloMoJ User Manual
Page 15
9. Stop TBar
This determines if pressing the STOP, PLAY, R-PLAY, REW
or FFWD button will disable the TBar and turn off ENABLE
No Effect
Turns Off
10. Step Frame
This determines what will happen when a Frame+1 or Frame-1
button is pushed.
GoTo Mode
This will issue a GoTo to the proper frame. This should
be used with most "modern" machines, as it can cause
inaccurate locating with older machines such as the
SloMo Mode
This issues a slow shuttle command in the appropriate
direction, then a Still command when the desired frame
has been reached. This does not work well with disk-
based recorders.
Step Fwd/Rev
This sends a 2x 14 or 2x 24 command that is
recognized by only very new machines.
11. Audio Trk Type
This determines how the audio track arming is handled.
Type 1
Older decks with two analog tracks.
A1 = Analog Audio 1 (This is sometimes interpreted as
Digital Audio 1 in some decks)
A2 = Analog Audio 2 (This is sometimes interpreted as
Digital Audio 2 in some decks)
Shift + A1 = Analog Audio 3 (TC in some decks)
Shift + A2 = Analog Audio 4 (Sync in some decks)