To locate the, Important information – Gasboy Fuel Point Ground Antenna User Manual
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Important Vehicle Parameters – Read Before Proceeding
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MDE-4530 Fuel Point Ground Antenna Installation Instructions · November 2005
• The G-Ring must be properly installed according to instructions found in C35699 Vehicle
Module Installation Manual. The location of the G-Ring is an important factor and must
be considered before starting to install the ground antenna. Measure and record each
vehicle type along the length of the vehicle and determine (dimension D) the distance
between the G-Ring and front of the vehicle. Add 8-10 feet to this dimension to locate the
minimum distance between the ground antenna and gate.
• Measure each vehicle type from the G-Ring center to one side of vehicle (dimension W).
If the G-Ring is on or near the vehicle centerline, the ground antenna will be located in the
center of the pavement lane.
• The G-Ring must travel over or stop within the ground antenna’s ‘effective
communications range’ (see Figure
) which typically is a 48 inches diameter circle
(minimum) centered on the ground antenna. Gate sites and vehicle types vary greatly.
Visual aids such as painted center lines, centerline flush reflectors embedded in pavements
or traffic control devices can be used to guide or channel vehicles over the antenna.
Antenna Parameters for Fueling with Fuel Point Ground Loop
Drivers are accustomed to stopping their vehicles with the fuel fill tube aligned with the hose
nozzle in the stored position (hung up). The antenna locations, both vehicle G-Rings and the
ground antenna are installed with this in mind. One of each type of vehicle to be fueled should
be modified with G-Ring and VM in accordance with instructions found in C35699 Vehicle
Module Installation Manual. Before starting this installation, each vehicle type should be
measured and dimensions recorded that locate the G-Ring in respect to the fuel fill tube and
vehicle length and width. These dimensions are then used to design and lay out the ground
antenna installation.
Measure and record each vehicle type from the G-Ring to fill tube side of vehicle (dimension
W) with the G-Ring centered on the vehicle. Small vehicles (cars, mini-vans and pickup
trucks) are approximately 5 feet wide, making this dimension approximately 30 inches. Large
trucks are approximately 7 feet wide making this dimension W=42 inches. Add 2 feet or 24
inches to dimension W for clearance between vehicle and fuel island curb. The resulting
dimension is the distance from the ground antenna to the fuel island curb.
The G-Ring must be properly installed according to instructions found in C35699
Vehicle Module Installation Manual. The location of the G-Ring is an important factor
and must be considered before starting to install the ground antenna. Measure each
vehicle type along the length of the vehicle. Determine and record the distance
(dimension L) between the fuel fill tube and the G-Ring. For best results, this dimension
should be 12 inches maximum. If dimension L is between 0-4 inches, lay out the ground
antenna so that it is centered on the hose nozzle stored position. This dimension is
critical. If it is greater than 4 inches or if it varies greatly from vehicle to vehicle, drivers
may have difficulty aligning the vehicle for fueling.