Downloading a playlist into the 3040p – DNF Controls 3040P-DLO-L User Manual

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Model 3040P/DLO


Playlist downloads may occur at any time, whether or not a playlist is playing out. The
downloaded playlist is appended to the end of the currently loaded playlist.

If the playlist in the 3040P is empty, Automated Playout Mode may be enabled after the first
element in the playlist file is downloaded into the 3040P.

Each channel will support a playlist containing up to 2000 elements. If the currently available
space in the playlist is less than the number of elements in the download file, the download
process will abort and an error message will be displayed in the download message box on the
3040P’s display.

All downloads into the 3040P/DLO must be initiated from the 3040P Download Utility
application on the PC.


Launch the 3040P Download Utility application if it is not already running.


Select a Serial Port to use for communication with the 3040P. Using a mouse, click on
“LTP serial Port” option, then select a Com port from a drop-down list.


Using a mouse, click on the START DOWNLOAD button.


Using a mouse, click on one of the “Channel #” buttons. Select the channel you wish to
download the list into.


The “Select a File to Download” dialog box will be displayed. Using the mouse, click on
the file that you wish to download. The file name will be highlighted.


Using the mouse, click on the OPEN button.

The download process will begin.

On the 3040P, the Download message box will show:

“D-load: ON yy”

Download process is running on Channel yy (01 thru 04)

“0000 of xxxx”

Element 0 of xxxx, the total is being downloaded.


Allow the download to proceed until completion.
To abort download prior to completion, press [SHIFT] + [DOWNLOAD] on the 3040P.