Avery Dennison 9850 RFID Multi-Protocol User Manual
Page 34
4-4 Defining the RFID Data Field
A p p l y i n g O p t i o n s t o t h e R F I D D a t a F i e l d
All the normal field options (copy, merge, pad, increment, etc.) can be
applied to the RFID Data Field. However, certain restrictions may apply.
♦ To copy, merge, pad, or increment data in the RFID Data Field, the
copied/merged/padded/incremented data must be in the same format
specified in the RFID Data Field. For example, to copy data into the
RFID Data Field using ASCII Hex, the field being copied must be in
ASCII Hex format; otherwise, unexpected results may occur.
♦ When incrementing the RFID Data Field, see the following table for an
explanation of how the field increments.
Data Type
How the Field Increments
0 to F (0123456789ABCDEF), then back to 0
ASCII Binary
0 to 1 or 1 to 0
ASCII or Hex
next position in 0 to 255 range
♦ If Option 60 (Increment Field) contains the character “D” to
decrement, it is ignored and the field is instead incremented by one.
♦ When incrementing the RFID Data Field, the only valid value to
increment is by one.
♦ Use caution when incrementing an RFID field if data is coming directly
from your host because the field must be incremented in ASCII Hex
(or other specified data type).