Procedures (continued) – Auto-Zone Control Systems Auto-Zone Basic Systems Installation & Operation (Version 02C) User Manual

Page 116

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Section 4

Auto-Zone Basic


Start-Up and Troubleshooting

Procedures (Continued)

14) Check the Zone Controller for correct communications and addressing by ob-

serving the LED indicator for the blink codes as outlined in the troubleshoot-
ing section of the manual. The blink code will first verify the address and then
the operation. If the address is incorrect, reset the address switch, and then re-
apply power to the controller. If you cannot communicate, verify wiring, volt-
ages, etc. in accordance with the trouble-shooting section in the system man-
ual. Do not proceed to the next device until you are properly communicating
with the current device.

15) Reconnect the power to the next zone controller on the communications loop.

Reconnect the wiring between the previous zone controller on the loop and
the zone controller you are testing. Be sure the Zone Manager is still powered
and connected to the communication loop and then press the “B” key on the
Zone Manager keypad. Enter the Zone Address for the controller you are
checking. If this is the third controller on the loop and it is addressed as 3, you
would press 3 and then the “Enter” key. If the zone isn’t communicating, it
will display “***Missing***.” If the zone is communicating but still calibrat-
ing, it will display “Calibrating.” If the zone is communicating, the display
will change over to the Zone Status screen when calibration is complete. If the
screen shows that the zone is missing, revert to step 14. If the zone is commu-
nicating, repeat this step with each zone controller on the loop, in sequence,
until all zone controllers on the loop are communicating.

16) Once all devices on the loop are communicating, you must program and con-

figure the Zone Manager and all Zone Controllers on the system per the pro-
gramming section of this manual.

Remember that each controller only contains one puff of smoke. Making sure that all wir-
ing terminations and voltages are correct prior to applying power to a controller will en-
sure that you don’t use up that one puff.