14 nand flash, 15 i2c, 14 nand flash 7.15 i2c – Artesyn COMX-P40x0 ENP2 Installation and Use (January 2015) User Manual
Page 110: Table 7-7, Nand flash command usage

COMX-P40x0 ENP2 Installation and Use (6806800R95C)
7.14 NAND Flash
The NAND Flash is Numonyx NAND08GW3B2CN6E which is 1 GB in size. It is attached to the
FCM on the local bus and works at 8-bit mode. Boot up message will appear as "NAND: 1024
Each page contains 2,112 bytes, including 2048 bytes of data with 64 bytes spare. Each block
contains 64 pages, including 128 KB of data with 4 KB spare, making a total of 8192 blocks.
NAND Flash supports the following commands:
7.15 I2C
There are four I2C buses in the COMX-P40x0 ENP2 module, labeled as I2C<1/2/3/4>. For more
information, see
Table 7-7 NAND Flash Command Usage
nand info
Shows available NAND devices
nand device [dev]
Shows or sets current device
nand read
Addr off|partition size
nand write
Addr off|partition size
Read/write ’size’ bytes starting at offset ’off’ to/from memory
address ’addr’, skipping bad blocks.
nand erase [clean] [off size]
Erase ’size’ bytes from offset ’off’ (will erase on the entire device if it
is not specified)
nand bad
Shows bad blocks
nand dump[.oob] off
Dumps page
nand scrub
Cleans NAND by erasing bad blocks. Considered unsafe.
nand markbad off [...]
Marks bad block or blocks at offset. Considered unsafe.
nand biterr off
Makes a bit error at offset. Considered unsafe.