Code 32, Code 39 – Argox AS-9500 User Manual
Page 60

Code 39
Code Page
Code pages define the mapping of character codes to
characters. If the data received does not display with the proper
characters, it may be because the barcode being scanned was
created using a code page that is different from the one the host
program is expecting. If this is the case, scan the bar code below,
select the code page with which the bar codes were created and
scan the value and the Save bar code. The data characters should
then appear properly.
Code 39 Code Page
*Full ASCII Off
Code 32
Code 32 Pharmaceutical is a form of the Code 39 symbology
used by Italian pharmacies. This symbology is also known as
Note: Trioptic Code must be turned off while scanning Code 32
Pharmaceutical codes.
Code 32