Rs-232 – Argox AS-9500 User Manual
Page 20
RTS/CTS-If the scanner wants to send the barcode data to
host computer, it will issue the RTS signal first, wait for the
CTS signal from the host computer, and then perform the
normal data communication. If there is no replied CTS signal
from the host computer after the timeout (Response Delay)
duration, the scanner halts transmission until it detects another
active CTS signal.
Xon/Xoff- When the host computer is unable to accept data, it
sends a Xoff code to inform the scanner to suspend data
transmission, and Xon to continue.
ACK/NAK- When the ACK/NAK protocol is used, the scanner
waits for an ACK (acknowledge) or (not acknowledge) from the
host computer after data transmission, and will resend in response
to a NAK.
Response Delay
The unit stays awake to receive data until the RS-232
Receiver Time-Out expires. A trigger command resets the
time-out. When an RS-232 receiver is sleeping, a character
may be sent to wake up the receiver and reset the time-out.
A transaction on the CTS line will also wake up the receiver.
The receiver takes 300 milliseconds to completely come up.
Change the RS-232 receiver time-out by scanning the bar code
below, then scanning digits from the inside back cover
of this manual, then scanning Save. The range is 0 to 300
seconds. Default = 0 seconds (no time-out - always on).