Opencore plus time-out behavior, Opencore plus time-out behavior –5 – Altera ASI MegaCore Function User Manual

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Chapter 1: About This MegaCore Function


Installation and Licensing

January 2014

Altera Corporation

Asynchronous Serial Interface (ASI) MegaCore Function User Guide

Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that include

Program a device and verify your design in hardware

You only need to obtain a license for the megafunction when you are completely
satisfied with its functionality and performance, and want to take your design to


For more information on OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation using the ASI, refer to

AN 320: OpenCore Plus Evaluation of Megafunctions


OpenCore Plus Time-Out Behavior

OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation can support the following two modes of

Untethered—the design runs for a limited time

Tethered—requires a connection between your board and the host computer. If
tethered mode is supported by all megafunctions in a design, the device can
operate for a longer time or indefinitely

All megafunctions in a device time out simultaneously when the most restrictive
evaluation time is reached. If there is more than one megafunction in a design, a
specific megafunction’s time-out behavior may be masked by the time-out behavior of
the other megafunctions.


For MegaCore functions, the untethered time-out is 1 hour; the tethered time-out
value is indefinite.

Your design stops working after the hardware evaluation time expires and the rst
signal goes high.