Mandelbrot application, Mandelbrot application –6 – Altera Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit Cyclone III Edition User Manual
Page 42

Altera Corporation
July 2010
Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit, Cyclone III Edition
Design Examples
You can hide the control buttons by clicking on the Hide button
located at the top left corner of the touch screen. To show the
control buttons again touch anywhere on the LCD Touch panel.
On the bottom right corner, you will see the miniature view of
the next picture being decoded in the background.
The slide show continues
until you tap the Stop button.
To return to the Application Selector menu press the Reconfigure
push-button switch on Cyclone III Starter Board.
This application is based on the C2H_Mandelbrot processor system.
You can locate this application in the
<install dir>/demos/mandelbrot_c2h folder.
This application is also a video based processor system with custom
hardware acceleration engine for calculation of Mandelbrot algorithm
IP licenses required to ship design:
Nios II IP from Altera (Ordering Code IP-NIOS)
DDR SDRAM memory controller core from Altera (Available free
with Quartus II Subscription as part of Altera IP Base Suite)
Software and middleware licenses required to ship design:
Software tools required to ship your hardware accelerators:
Nios II C2H Compiler (Ordering Code IPT-C2H-NIOS)
For more information on how to obtain evaluation or shipping
licenses for the above refer to
“Licensing the IP” on page 1–11
The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical set of complex numbers that form
a fractal. The Mandelbrot set is generated from a surprisingly simple
formula involving only multiplication and addition to produce a shape of
great organic beauty and infinite subtle variation. Though the
Mandelbrot set is intriguing in itself, the Mandelbrot C2H demonstration
on the Nios II Embedded Evaluation kit showcases a powerful solution to
a common engineering problem by increasing the performance of a
system bound by processing throughput.