UVP 81-0345-01 ChemiDoc-ItTS2 Imager User Manual
Page 15

and ChemiDoc-It
Auto Invert Image: Set Auto Invert Image to ON to automatically invert the image upon image capture.
Note: “Auto Invert Image” must be set to ON in order to invert images during image capture; captured
images can also be inverted in the Gallery view.
Noise Subtraction: Set Noise Subtraction to ON to reduce the amount of background and ambient
(“white”) noise within the image. In most circumstances, this setting should be left ON. Note: “Noise
Subtraction” must be set to ON in order to subtract noise from images during image capture, as noise
cannot be subtracted from images after capture using the TS2 software.
Saving Tab
Save Format: Press the down arrow to select the desired file save format from the drop-down menu.
Save images in JPEG, TIFF, BMP or PNG file formats.
From the drop-down menu to the right of the chosen file format, choose Save Selected Format to save
the image only in the chosen format. Or, select Save Selected and Original Formats to save in both
the selected format as well as in an uncompressed TIFF format (note: two separate files will be saved
using this method).
Note: If the TIFF file format is selected and Save Selected and Original Formats is also selected, both
compressed and uncompressed TIFF files will be saved.
Save Images To: Select the location where images are to be saved. The black dot within the radio
button indicates which selection is activated.
1. Select USB to save the file to the USB drive if one is currently inserted. If a USB device is not
present, the user will be notified that a USB drive is not present when attempting to save an image.
2. Select Prompt for Location to prompt the user to select a file save location when attempting to
save an image. This setting will also allow the user to save using a custom file name.
3. Choose Select Folder to define where the file will be saved when attempting to save an image.
Select from any local or network drive by pressing the folder icon to the right of the file path display.
Note: The Select Folder radio icon must first be selected prior to defining the save location.
Auto Save After Capture: Set Auto Save After Capture to ON to automatically save the image after
capture. The image will automatically save to the location selected in Save Images To and in the format
selected in Save Format, as described above.
NOTE: If the Auto Save After Capture function is set to OFF, press the Save button in the Gallery
view to manually save an image.
Auto Print After Capture: Select ON to automatically send the captured image to the default printer
after an image is captured. If a default printer is not installed, the Windows “Printers and Faxes” dialog
will automatically appear after the image is captured. Select the desired printer in the “Printers and
Faxes” dialog box and press OK on the dialog box to print the image.
Accept or Cancel Settings
Once all Preferences settings have been made, press the Checkmark button at
the bottom of the Preferences screen to save all preferences and go back to the
main TS2 screen. Or, press the “X” button to go back to the main TS2 screen
without saving changes.