UVP J-225 BLAK-RAY User Manual

UVP Equipment

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Blak-Ray® is a Registered Trademark of UVP, LLC

The significance of meter readings depends on several considerations:

1. The absolute spectral response of the meter; that is, how the meter "weighs" the

different wavelengths of radiation with respect to perfect response and to one


2. The spectral output of the emitter; that is, the range of different wavelengths of

radiation produced by the emitter and their relative proportions; and

3. The spatial response of the meter; that is, how the meter responds to radiation

arriving at the sensor surface at angles other than the perpendicular.

Absolute measurements can only be obtained by using a properly calibrated meter. UV

meters can be calibrated against a line source such as a 365nm line source so that it

provides a direct reading of irradiance from this type of source. Other sources can be

measured, but the meter reading will have to be adjusted as the indication of the meter

depends not only on the irradiance at the sensor from the source but also on the

interaction of the wavelength distribution of the light source and the meter spectral

response. If a meter is calibrated to provide correct readings with a particular lamp, it will

not provide correct values for lamps with different spectral distributions. However,

relative comparisons of lamps with identical spectral distributions of UV light can be

made with any stable meter, regardless of the calibration method used, as long as the

meter has sensitivity in the desired wavelength region.

The J-221 is calibrated to accurately read the irradiance from longwave phosphor coated

lamps. If used to measure irradiance from a 365nm line source (B-100 type lamp), it will

read approximately 35% higher than the actual irradiance. To obtain the true value, the

reading should be multiplied by 1/1.35 = .74.


For best accuracy, ultraviolet meters should be re-certified every six months. Call UVP's

Calibration Department at 800-452-6788 for recertification. For recalibration or repairs

due to dropping or exposure to moisture (keeps cells dry), return the complete meter to

the factory prepaid. A Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number must be obtained

from UVP’s Customer Service prior to returning any product. The unit will be calibrated

by a standard traceable to the NIST. Calibration charge is nominal. The average

turnaround time is ten days.

NOTE: In order to maintain traceability to NIST

standards, meters must be returned to UVP for calibration. UVP does not stand

behind unauthorized calibrations.


J-221, P/N 97-0003-01, Longwave Meter

J-225, P/N 97-0004-01, Shortwave Meter

UVP, LLC 2066 W. 11



Ultra-Violet Products Ltd., Unit 1

Upland, CA

Trinity Hall Farm Est., Nuffield Rd


Cambridge CB4 1TG UK

Tel: (800) 452-6788; (909) 946-3197

Tel: 44(0)1223-420022

Fax: (909) 946-3597

Fax: 44(0)1223-420561

Web Site:

81-0032-01 Rev G

J-221 AND J-225 BLAK-RAY®



BLAK-RAY® ULTRAVIOLET METERS are hand held photovoltaic devices used

for measuring the intensity of ultraviolet energy emitted from ultraviolet lamps.

Only ultraviolet plus some infrared registers on the meters; visible light of less

than 40 foot candles does not. When infrared or intense visible light is present, it

can be eliminated from the readings as detailed under "Infrared Interference". A

certification statement of calibration using a standard traceable to the National

Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is provided with each meter.

IMPORTANT: Recalibration is recommended at least every six months.


Meter readout is in radiometric units, i.e., microwatts per square centimeter

(µW/cm²). This new silicon detector has an improved linearity tolerance of ±10%.

The short-term repeatability is better than ±1% under isothermal conditions. The

measurement accuracy is additionally limited by the ±2.6% tolerance of the NIST

standard source. The secondary standards used for calibration are traceable to

NIST. The minimum detector limit is 20 µW/cm².


The sensor cell plugs directly into the receptacle on the top of the meter housing.

To make readings remote from the metering unit, the extension cord should be

plugged into the receptacle with the red and black plugs aligned with their

corresponding holes for proper polarity. The sensor cell plugs into the other end

of the extension cord in the same manner.


The meter should always be used with the scale facing vertically. Before taking

readings, the meter zero should be checked with the sensor cell unplugged and

the scale vertical. Adjust to zero whenever necessary by means of the screw

located directly beneath the scale. Meters have two scales; use the switch to

select the A or B scale. Ranges on the longwave meter (J-221) are 0 - 12 and 10

- 60 (B scale). Ranges on the shortwave meter (J-225) are 0 - 24 (A scale) and

20 - 120 (B scale). To obtain µW/cm², multiply reading by 100 (R X 100 =


W/cm² where R = meter reading).

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