Spectrum Controls 1769sc-IF8u User Manual
Page 122

Compact IO
Universal Input Module
In order to configure an I/O module, you must open up the configuration
tag for that module by clicking on the plus sign to the left of the
configuration tag in the Controller Tag data base.
Configuring a
Configuring a
Configuring a
Configuring a
Configuring a
1 7 6 9 s c - I F 8 U
1 7 6 9 s c - I F 8 U
1 7 6 9 s c - I F 8 U
1 7 6 9 s c - I F 8 U
1 7 6 9 s c - I F 8 U
U n i v e r s a l
U n i v e r s a l
U n i v e r s a l
U n i v e r s a l
U n i v e r s a l
M o d u l e
M o d u l e
M o d u l e
M o d u l e
M o d u l e
To configure the 1769sc-IF8U module in slot 1, click on the plus sign left
of Local:1:C. Configuration data is entered under the Local:1:C.Data tag.
Click the plus sign to the left of Local:1:C.Data to reveal the 10 integer
data words where configuration data may be entered for the 1769sc-IF8U
module. The tag addresses for these 18 words are Local:1:C.Data[0]
through Local:1:C.Data[17].
The first two configuration words are used to configure module functions
like CJC enable, cyclic calibration, open circuit detection and temperature
units (i.e. Celcious, Fahrenheit). Words 2 through 9 are used to configure
channels 0 through 7 respectively. All 8 words configure the same
parameters for the 8 different channels. For a complete description of
each of these parameters and the choices available for each of them, see
Configuration Data File in chapter 4.