Menu operating instructions – Parr Instrument 6200 User Manual
Page 44

Menu Operating Instructions
P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y
Determination Correction
Fixed Fuse Correction: Displays both the ON/OFF
of the fixed fuse corrections for determination runs
and the value of the correction. This key toggles the
correction ON/OFF and accesses a sub-menu on
which the value is set.
Fixed Acid Correction: Press this key on the LEFT
side to toggle between Fixed HNO
, Calculated
, Entered Total, Entered HNO
, and Fixed Total
for the acid correction for determination runs. Press
it on the RIGHT side to access the Acid Correction
numeric dialog box on which the value can be set.
Options for the Acid Correction:
Fixed HNO
Calculated HNO
Entered Total
Entered HNO
Fixed Total
These options are discussed further in Appendix B -
Fixed Sulfur Correction: Displays both the ON/OFF
of the fixed sulfur corrections for determination runs
and the value of the correction. This key toggles the
correction ON/OFF and accesses a sub-menu on
which the value is set.
When fixed corrections are turned ON,
the value in the specified field will be used
in both the preliminary and final reports. The
calorimeter will not prompt for actual correc-
tions. If all corrections are fixed, a prelimi-
nary report will not print, rather only a final
report will be generated. If values for these
corrections are entered into these lines, and
the toggle is set to OFF, then the fixed value
will be used in the preliminary report, but not
in the final report.
Calculation Factors: Accesses sub-menu, Calcula-
tion Factors which sets a number of options for the
way the thermochemical corrections are applied.
Calculation Factors
Nitric Acid Factor: The default is 1.58 calories
per 1000 calories of released energy.
Acid Multiplier: The multiplier is the normality of
the sodium carbonate used to titrate for the acid
correction. The default value of 0.0709 allows
for direct entry of the acid correction in calories.
If the bomb rinsings are titrated in order to
determine the acid correction, this multiplier is
the concentration of the base (equivalents/L) or
normality used for titration. In this case, the acid
correction is entered as milliliters of base used
to titrate the bomb rinsings.
Sulfur Value is Percent: When set to ON, the
sulfur value is being entered as weight percent
sulfur. If another system is to be used, this must
be turned OFF and the sulfur multiplier set ac-
Sulfur Multiplier: Values entered by the user to
be used for the sulfur correction are multiplied
by this value to get the product into units of
milliequivalents. The default number (0.6238)
requires that the sulfur value be entered in
weight percent.
Fuse Multiplier: The fuse corrections represent
the number of calories liberated by the burn-
ing thread used to ignite the sample. If another
measurement is used, the correction factor must
be entered here.