User guide, 5 security – Luxul XBR-2300 User Manual
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User Guide
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Starting IP Address/Ending IP Address: Enter the IP address range you would
like to control
Type: Select the NAT Setting control type (Independent or Shared)
Independent: Takes effect on each IP address and controls the maximum NAT
entries of each device
Shared: Takes effect on the whole IP group and controls the total entries of the
devices within the IP group
NAT Connection Limit: Indicates the maximum NAT entries allowed. This can be a
range from 1 to 9999
Enable: Enables the NAT Connection Limit function
NOTE: In order for the new NAT Settings to take effect, the XBR-2300 must
be rebooted .
5.5 Security
The Security section consists of the following submenus:
5.5.1 MAC Filter
The XBR-2300 has the ability to limit Internet access by MAC Address. This function can
be used to block unknown devices from accessing the Internet.