Xbr-2300, Enable: enables or disables the filter, Remark: description of the rule being created – Luxul XBR-2300 User Manual
Page 30: Ip group: the name of the desired ip group, Schedule: the name of the desired schedule

a: 14203 Minuteman Drive, Suite 201, Draper, UT 84020-1685 | luxul.com | 801-822-5450
LUX-UG-XBR-2300 Vers: 07314
Internet Access: Choose either Disable (blocks access) or Enable (allows access)
Disable: Blocks the traffic that meets the specified IP Group and Schedule criteria.
ALL other unrestricted traffic is allowed to pass
Enable: Allows the traffic that meets the IP Group and Schedule
criteria entered
Enable: Enables or Disables the Filter
Remark: Description of the Rule being created
IP Group: The name of the desired IP Group
Schedule: The name of the desired Schedule
URL String: The String you would like to filter (i.e. test, yahoo, facebook, etc)
Extension: Domains or extension suffix (i.e. .com, .biz, .org, .exe, .rar, etc.)
NOTE: The configured Client Filter will only affect the devices in the range
of the specified IP Group during the schedule you have selected. All
other traffic will be allowed to pass.
Example: If you do not want the computers with IP addresses of to (IP Group=Test) to visit HTTP websites associated with “Yahoo” from 06:00-
19:00 (Schedule=work days) Monday through Friday, you would set the Client Filter
rule as follows: