Hanna Instruments HI 83099 User Manual
Page 31

Hardness Mg
• Press ▲ or ▼ to access the second level functions.
• Press the
Chem Frm key to convert the result in mg/L of Magnesium (Mg
• Press the
Unit key to change the current measurement unit. The results can be converted to French
degrees (°f), German degrees (°dH) and English degrees (°E).
• Press ▲ or ▼ to return to the measurement screen.
Note: This test will detect any magnesium contamination in the beakers, measuring syringes or sample
cells. To test cleanliness, repeat the test multiple times until you obtain consistent results.
This meter is designed to determine hardness typically found in water purification systems. In order to
measure samples with high hardness, follow dilution procedure explained on page 58 (Ca Hardness).
Interference may be caused by excessive amounts of heavy metals.
Hardness Mg
• Fill both cuvettes up to the 10 mL mark.
• Add 1 drop of HI 93719C-0 EDTA solution to one cuvette
(# 1), replace the cap and invert the cuvette several
times to mix. This is the blank.
• Add 1 drop of HI 93719D-0 EGTA solution to the second
cuvette (# 2), replace the cap and invert the cuvette
several times to mix. This is the sample.
• Place the blank (# 1) into the holder and close the lid.
• Press the
Zero key. The meter will show “-0.0-” when the meter is zeroed and ready for
• Remove the blank (# 1), insert the sample (# 2) into
the instrument, and close the lid.
• Press
Read to start the reading. The instrument displays concentration in mg/L of magnesium
hardness, as CaCO
10 mL
10 mL
# 1
# 1
# 1
# 2
# 2
# 2