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Assemble the two mounting bars to the Call/Send Control using four #10-
24 x 3/4” long button head
socket cap screws and nylon locking nuts as shown in FIG. 13.2. Assemble the bars in such a
manner that the larger hole is on the gate side when mounted to the same post which contains the
latching mechanism.
Install two 5/16”-18 x 3/4” long button head socket clamp screws through the larger holes in the
mounting bars and into the tapped holes in the attachment bar but do not tighten fully at this time.
Remove the post cap.
Attach the Call/Send Control and mounting assembly by sliding the attachment bar into the channel at
the back of the latch mounting post while the mounting bars remain on the outside the post.
Slide the assembly below the upper gate latch bar and tighten the clamp screws securely. This
should clamp the post wall between the attachment bar and the mounting bars holding the Call/Send
Control in place.
Reinstall the post cap.
If not done so previously, bring the 3-pin connector out of the VPL tower in the same manner
described in the Call/Send Control section and connect it to the cord in the VPL tower.
Secure the Call/Send Control cord to the porch or deck in such a manner that it will not interfere with
the VPL or gate operation or pose a tripping hazard.
The Maintenance and Service information below is provided to give the installer a more complete
understanding of our VPL product.
1. Except as described elsewhere in this manual, maintenance must be performed
only by qualified
technicians. Contact your dealer with questions or to schedule any needed inspections, repairs or service.
2. Annual inspections by a qualified technician are highly recommended to help prevent unsafe conditions
and operation. Contact your dealer with questions or for additional information, to request replacement
labels or manuals or to schedule any needed inspections, repairs or service.
Contact your dealer with
questions, for additional information, to request replacement labels or manuals, or to schedule any needed
inspections, repairs or service, or call 1-800-451-1903, or visit us online
There are two holes in the tower used for mounting the guard ramp activating bar which do not have
fasteners in them. This is normal since the guard ramp activating bar can be mounted on either side.
3. Keep the VPL platform free of debris. Sweeping to clear these areas regularly enough to prevent debris
accumulation is required. Wiping with a damp cloth should be sufficient for additional surface cleaning. If
needed, a soft brush with mild soap and water can be used on the platform and guard ramp surfaces.
Alkaline based detergents are harsh and should therefore not be used to clean your VPL.
4. If the platform and guard ramp surface are covered with frost, ice and or snow, remove frost, ice and or
snow before using the VPL.
Calcium chloride is often used to deice and prevent ice from forming on roads. Used properly, this may
be useful to help rid or keep your VPL platform free of frost, ice and snow.
If using a deicing or ice preventing agent, such as Calcium chloride, always check that the platform is
free of ice before using it. Calcium chloride may not always be effective in removing frost, ice and or
If the VPL was cleaned with soap, rinse all soap from VPL and let VPL dry before using.
Use extra caution while on the VPL platform and guard ramp surfaces are icy or wet.
If cleaning with water, turn “OFF” VPL and unplug the AC power before cleaning.
Periodically check and ensure that the safety pan under the platform moves freely up and down and is not
damaged. This is the built in safety device designed to detect obstructions under the platform and stop
platform downward motion.
Do not operate VPL if the safety pan is malfunctioning.