Summary – EXFO FTB-635 Wideband Copper and DSL Test Module User Manual
Page 183

Multimeter 2 Tests
Copper and xDSL Tests
Isolation Test
The page allows you to set the following parameters:
Selected Pair allows you to select the pair for which the Soak
Parameters is to be set.
Soak Voltage allows you to apply a voltage value to the pair(s)
currently under test. The standard voltage level is 125, but the HIVOLT
option allows up to 500 V.
Min. Soak Time sets a soak period of time from 1 Second to 59 Minutes
and 59 Seconds.
The Isolation resistance tests, also called leakage tests, are very useful and
apply voltage over a period of time, in order to measure resistance on
longer loops, or to assess the quality of conductor insulation; a significant
reduction in measured resistance over time can indicate breakdown of the
conductor insulation. However, the application of voltage over time
removes minor corrosion and the resistance measurement may appear to
increase/improve, but the cause of the corrosion remains and the fault is
likely return. For this reason, the isolation tests should not be used before
other tests, or used only when necessary.
Summary tab displays the pass/fail status of the tests executed. Refer
Copper Tests: Result Summary on page 291 for more information.