EXFO FTB-2 User Manual
Page 361

IEEE 488.2 and Specific Command Reference
FTB-2 and FTB-2 Pro
IEEE 488.2 Required Commands
The *RST command performs a device reset.
This command is the third reset level in a
three-level reset strategy. The Reset command
shall do the following:
a) Sets the device-specific functions to a known
state that is independent of the past-use history
of the device.
b) Forces the device into OCIS state (Operation
complete Command Idle State).
c) Forces the device into OQIS state (Operation
complete Query Idle State).
The Reset command explicitly DOES NOT affect
the following:
a) The state of the Communication interface.
b) The Output Queue.
c) Any Event Enable Register setting, including
the Standard Event Status Enable Register setting.
d) Any Event Register setting, including the
Standard Event Status Register settings.
e) Calibration data that affects device
f) The Service Request Enable Register setting.