EXFO FTB-2 User Manual
Page 254

Using Your Unit and Modules in an Automated Test Environment
FTB-2 and FTB-2 Pro
SCPI Command Structure
In the diagram above,
(65 to 90 and 97 to 122, in decimal).
“_” corresponds to an underscore character (code 95, in decimal).
< >
Text appearing between angled brackets specifies the command
parameter to be sent or the response you will receive from an
Do not include angled brackets in your program message.
Indicates that one, and only one, value must be selected from the
available choices.
Example: If the list is 0|1, you can only select 0 or 1.
Do not include the pipe character in your program message.
{ }
Indicate that the enclosed parameters can appear 0 to n times when the
command is used.
Do not include braces in your program message.
Mandatory to separate keywords. Can be omitted at the beginning of a
program message. For example, you can use either :SYST:ERR or
case alpha> case alpha> _