TeeJet GuideLine SmartPad II User Manual

Page 74

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Chapter 3 - Real-Time Guidance
Data Setup

SmartPad II

Software Version 4.02

To name an As Applied, highlight the As Applied menu item using

, Figure 3-23 (left side). Pressing


bring up the As Applied dialog box, Figure 3-23 (right side). There are three options once in the As Applied File dia-
log box, Auto Name, New File or selecting an existing file.

The Auto Name option will automatically name the As Applied file using the current date using the format mmd-
dyyyy-#. For example the first file saved on September 14th, 2004 will be named 091420004-1.rcd. Using this nam-
ing method results in a unique file name every time a file is created.

The New File option allows you to enter your own file name using the



The Existing file option allows you to select any existing As Applied files that are listed in the As Applied File dialog
box. Figure 3-23 shows the existing file named My Field.rcd. To select the existing file, My Field, highlight the file

name using the

key and then press

to accept it.

Once an As Applied file name has been selected, highlight the GO menu item using

and then press

to start the

real time guidance process.

Example 3: Creating or Showing an Existing Field Boundary

This example describes how to create or show an existing boundary file. With SmartPad II you can map out a field
boundary while spraying or spreading the field headlands. If a file containing the field boundary already exists and is
stored on the CompactFlash card


the boundary can be displayed in the background of the guidance view page.

To select one of the field boundary options in the Data menu, highlight the Boundary menu item using

, Figure 3-

24, then press

to move to the Boundary dialog box, Figure 3-25. There are four field boundary options to choose

from in the field boundary dialog box see Table 3-7, “The Boundary Menu Item Settings,” on page 3-16. In this exam-

ple the Field Boundary option Show is selected. Once the option is selected using

, return to the Main Menu page


. From the main menu start the guidance process by highlighting the Start Guidance menu item and pressing

. This will bring you to the Start Guidance menu, see Figure 3-26 (left side). Using the

key move down to the

Boundary File menu item and press

, this will bring up a Boundary File dialog box. Figure 3-26 shows the Bound-

ary File dialog box with the file My Field.BND selected. Selecting an existing file is accomplished by using the

keys. Once the existing file is selected press

to accept and return to the start guidance menu page. To start

the guidance process, highlight the Go menu item and press


Figure 3-23: Changing the As Applied File Name