The circle pivot guidance mode, Marking point a – TeeJet GuideLine SmartPad II User Manual

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SmartPad II

Software Version 4.02

Chapter 3 - Real-Time Guidance


The Circle Pivot Guidance Mode

The Circle Pivot Guidance Mode

This section describes how to run swath guidance when the Circle Pivot guidance pattern option is selected. The Cir-
cle Pivot option is selected when the operator wants to apply product in a center pivot field while being guided along
a circular guideline that matches the center pivot radius.

The Circle Pivot mode operates very similar to the Parallel mode. The operator marks an A point, drives along the arc
that the pivot would create, a wheel track is a good guide, then marks a B point. Once the B point is marked, a circular
guideline will appear on the SmartPad screen and the operator will be guided along this circular guideline. As the
operator completes one circular pass and moves in either direction (left or right) to the next guideline, the software
will automatically create the next circular guideline.

Marking Point A

In this example the operator wants to apply product to a portion of a field that has a center pivot on it. The operator
will drive around this portion creating a headland. While driving parallel to an existing wheel track the operator is
going to mark the initial A point. Figure 3-74 shows the operator beginning to drive the along the center pivot perim-
eter. The operator has not pressed the Mark A button yet and is notified on the lightbar to do so. Figure 3-75 shows
the vehicle beginning to drive along the existing wheel track and marking point A. In this example the operator has
elected to drive a single headland pass. This is not necessary, the operator could have driven along the wheel track and
marked points A and B and then started driving back and forth moving towards or away from the center of the pivot.

Figure 3-74: Preparing to Mark Point A