TeeJet CenterLine v1.05 User Manual

Page 26

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Software Version 1.05

Figure 20: Setting the LED Spacing


The Mode setting defines how the row of LEDs are interpreted. The center stack of Green LEDs
can represent either the current guideline or the vehicle (See Table 6).

To change the Mode setting, go to Lightbar setup, scroll until is displayed in the text win-
dow, and press Enter. Using Up or Down, scroll through the Mode pick list until the desired setting
is displayed in the text window. Press the Enter key to save the setting and return to the
menu item.

Figure 21: Setting the Mode




When Display Mode is set to Swath, the center stack of Green LEDs represents the cur-
rent guideline. In this mode, steer the vehicle to bring the moving LED back to center


When Display Mode is set to Vehicle, the center stack of Green LEDs represents the
vehicle‘s position. In this mode, steer the vehicle to bring the center lights towards the
moving LED.

Table 6: Display Mode Settings

Text 1 and Text 2

The Text 1 and Text 2 settings allow you to select text messages from a set of predetermined guid-
ance information messages. These messages are displayed in the lightbar text window for 15 sec-
onds when first enabled, and cycled through during guidance operations. A maximum of two text
messages can be displayed.

CenterLine Setup