Within 30 seconds, press the tv button, Setting the remote to operate a tv 21 – Philips VRB661AT User Manual

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Setting the Remote to Operate a TV 21


Your VCR remote control may operate your TV If the remote

control doesn’t operate yourTV now, follow the steps below.


Point the remote control at yourTV and press the TV

button.Then, press the POWER button. If yourTV turns on

or off, try the other TV buttons (see pages 23-24). If yourTV

doesn’t turn on or off, or if the other buttons don’t work, go to

step 2.


Find the brand of yourTV on the list below, and remem­
ber the two-digit number beside it.


Press the MUTE button.




Within 30 seconds, press the TV button.

Within 30 seconds, press the Number buttons to enter
the two-digit code for yourTV brand. For example, if you

have a Zenith TV, press Number buttons 0,6.


Repeat step I. If the remote control works yourTV, you’re fin­

ished. If the remote control still doesn’t work yourTV, repeat

steps 3-5, using a different code for your brand (if available).

There is no guarantee that the

remote will work yourTV.

Find your

TV code.


EMERSON ................... ...............14

PHILCO ................... ................... 14

FISHER......................... ...............11

PHILIPS .................. ................... 01

GE ................................ .............. 10


GOLDSTAR ................. .............. 04

QUASAR.................. ....................07

HITACHI ....................... ...............12

RCA.......................... ................... 10

JVC................................ ...............05

SAMSUNG .............. ....................17

MAGNAVOX ................. .01, 02, 03

SANYO .................... ....................11

MARANTZ .................... ...............13

SEARS ..................... ............ 08, 11

MITSUBISHI................. .............. 13

SHARP .................... ................... 16


SONY....................... ....................09

PANASONIC................. ...............07

TOSHIBA ................. ....................08



ZENITH..................... ............ 06, 15

Helpful; Hints

• The remote control may only operate

some features of yourTV. For exam­
ple, the remote control may turn on

the TV power, but it may not change
channels at the TV.

If you can not change the channels

at the TV using the Number but­

tons, press the VCR PLUS+/ENTER

button after you press the Number
buttons. It may change channels at
the TV.

• When you replace the batteries in

the remote control, you must pro­

gram the remote control again.

Remember to point the remote con­

trol toward the TV during steps 1-6.