Gnav540 default coordinate system, Av540 default coordinate system, Adva – Moog Crossbow GNAV540 User Manual
Page 24: Figure 3 gnav540 functions, Figure 4 gnav540 default coordinate system

Page 24
r Manual
7430‐0808‐01 Rev. B
Figure 3 GNAV540 Functions
GNAV540 Use
NAV Function
AHRS Function
accels, rates,
mags, attitude,
, ,
Accelerometer tilt
Correction algorithm
Roll/pitch heading velocity
Attitude propagation
100 Hz
accels, rates, MAGS, attitude,
velocity, GPS position
, ,
Accelerometer tilt
Correction algorithm
Roll/pitch heading velocity
Attitude and velocity
propagation 100 Hz
GPS velocity
VG Function with External GPS
VG Function
GPS velocity
Accelerometer tilt
Correction algorithm
Roll/pitch heading velocity
accels, rates, attitude,
velocity, GPS position
Attitude and velocity
propagation 100 Hz
Correction algorithm
Roll/pitch heading velocity
AV540 Default Coordinate System
The GNAV540 Inertial System default coordinate system is shown in Figure 4 below. The coordinate system is
configurable with either NAV‐VIEW 2.2 or by sending the appropriate serial commands. This section of the
manual describes the default coordinate system settings of the unit when it leaves the factory. For information
about configuring GNAV540, refer to Chapter 7. Configuring GNAV540 with NAVVIEW 2.2 Chapter 6. Viewing and
Logging Data with NAVVIEW 2.2 and Chapter 10. Programming Guidelines. With the GNAV540 connector
facing you and the mounting plate down, the axes are defined as shown below:
Figure 4 GNAV540 Default Coordinate System
Xaxis: from face with connector through the unit
Yaxis: along the face with connector from left to right
Zaxis: along the face with the connector from top to bottom
The axes form an orthogonal SAE right‐handed coordinate system. Acceleration is positive when it is oriented
towards the positive side of the coordinate axis. For example, with a GNAV540 sitting on a level table, it will
Accelerometer tilt
Attitude propagation
100 Hz
accels, rates,
(heading/yaw free