Moog Crossbow GNAV540 User Manual
Gnav540 user manual, Install, Ation configuration reference
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Preface
- Chapter / Appendix
- Summary
- Title
- Description
- Convention
- Definition
- Term
- Definition
- Chapter 1. Overview
- Measurement
- Accuracy
- Connection
- Description
- Chapter 2. GNfAV540 Functions
- Setting
- Default Value
- Comments
- Setting
- Default Value
- Comments
- Setting
- Default Value
- Comments
- Setting
- Default Value
- Comments
- Chapter 3. Hardware Interface
- Pin No.
- Signal
- Pin No.
- Signal
- Chapter 4. Magnetometer Calibration and Alignment Guidelines
- Chapter 5. Installation Guidelines
- Chapter 6. Viewing and Logging Data with NAV-VIEW 2.2
- Chapter 7. Configuring GNAV540 with NAV-VIEW 2.2
- Chapter 8. Data Packet Structure
- Descriptor
- Description
- Size (bytes)
- Comment
- Range
- ASCII Mnemonic
- <2-byte packet type (U2)>
- Description
- Type
- Available Functions
- Link Test
- Interactive Commands
- Output Messages: Status and Other, (Polled Only)
- Output Messages: Measurement Data (Continuous or Polled)
- Advanced Commands
- Chapter 9. Communicating with the GNAV540 Unit
- Ping (‘PK’ = 0x504B)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Termination
- Ping (‘PK’ = 0x504B)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Termination
- Echo (‘CH’ = 0x4348)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- Echo Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Get Packet (‘GP’ = 0x4750)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- GP Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Algorithm Reset (‘AR’ = 0x4152)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- Algorithm Reset (‘AR’ = 0x4152)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Termination
- Software Reset (‘SR’ = 0x5352)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- Software Reset (‘SR’ = 0x5352)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Termination
- Calibrate (‘WC’ = 0x5743)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- WC Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- calibrationRequest
- Description
- Calibrate (‘WC’ = 0x5743)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- WC Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Calibrate Completed (‘CC’ = 0x4343)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- CC Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Error Response (ASCII NAK, NAK = 0x1515)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- NAK Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Identification Data (‘ID’ = 0x4944)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- ID Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Version Data (‘VR’ = 0x5652)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- VR Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Test (‘T2’ = 0x5432)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- T2 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Scaled Sensor Data (‘S0’ = 0x5330)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- S0 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Scaled Sensor Data (‘S1’ = 0x5331)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- S1 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Scaled Sensor Data (‘S2’ = 0x5332)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- S2 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Angle Data (‘A0’ = 0x4130)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- A0 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Angle Data (‘A1’ = 0x4131)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- A1 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Nav Data (‘N0’ = 0x4E30)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- N0 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Nav Data (‘N1’ = 0x4E31)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- N1 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Nav Data (‘N3’ = 0x4E33)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Nav Data (‘N4’ = 0x4E34)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- N4 Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Chapter 10. Programming Guidelines
- index
- Configuration fields
- Field ID
- Valid Values
- Description
- Axis
- Bits
- Values
- Orientation Field Value
- X Axis
- Y Axis
- Z Axis
- Algorithm Aspect
- Bits
- Values
- Use Mags
- Internal / External Mags
- Result
- Field Name
- Field ID
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Field Name
- Field ID
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Field Name
- Field ID
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Write Fields (‘WF’ = 0x5746)
- WF Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Write Fields (‘WF’ = 0x5746)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- WF Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Set Fields (‘SF’ = 0x5346)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- SF Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Write Fields (‘WF’ = 0x5746)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- WF Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Read Fields (‘RF’ = 0x5246)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- RF Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Read Fields (‘RF’ = 0x5246)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- RF Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Get Fields (‘GF’ = 0x4746)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- GF Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Get Fields (‘GF’ = 0x4746)
- Preamble
- Packet Type
- Length
- Payload
- Termination
- GF Payload Contents
- Byte Offset
- Name
- Format
- Scaling
- Units
- Description
- Chapter 11. Built In Test (BIT)
- BITstatus Field
- Bits
- Value
- Configurable
- Error Byte fields (BIT)
- Status Byte Fields
- Status Byte Field
- Default Values
- hardwareBIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- hardwarePowerBIT Field
- Bit
- Values
- Category
- hardwareEnvironmentalBIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- comBIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- comSerialABIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- comSerialBBIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- comSerialCBIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- softwareBIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- SoftwareAlgorithmBIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- SoftwareDataBIT Field
- Bits
- Values
- Category
- hardwareStatus Field
- Bits
- Values
- comStatus Field
- Bits
- Values
- softwareStatus Field
- Bits
- Values
- sensorStatus Field
- Bits
- Values
- Configuration Fields
- Field ID
- Valid Values
- Description
- Appendix A. Application Examples
- Recommended Settings
- Pre-launch or known straight and level un-accelerated flight
- Launch
- Normal Dynamics (Default)
- High Dynamics
- Appendix B. Sample Packet—Parser Code
- Appendix C. Sample Packet Decoding
- Appendix D. Mechanical Specifications
- Appendix E. Crossbow Service Policies
- Appendix F. Revision History