Index – Longshine LCS-8056C2 User Manual
Page 159
Commands for Host-Processed Modems Reference Manual
#UD – Last Call Status Report.........................................3-55
%C - Enable/Disable Data Compression .........................3-48
%E - Enable/Disable Line Quality Monitor, Auto-Retrain, and
Auto-Rate Renegotiation .....................................3-37
%TT - PTT Test Command..............................................3-62
&C - RLSD Behavior ........................................................3-18
&D - DTR Behavior ..........................................................3-19
&F - Set to Factory-Defined Configuration.........................3-6
&G - Select Guard Tone ..................................................3-30
&K - Flow Control.............................................................3-20
&M - Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Selection..........3-20
&P - Select Pulse Dial Make/Break Ratio ........................3-30
&Q - Sync/Async Mode....................................................3-21
&T - Local Analog Loopback Test......................................3-6
&V - Display Current Configuration and Stored Profiles ..3-31
&W - Store Current Configuration ....................................3-31
*B - Display Blacklisted Numbers ....................................3-32
*D - Display Delayed Numbers ........................................3-32
+A8E - V.8 and V.8bis Operation Controls ......................3-49
+DR - Data Compression Reporting ................................3-47
+DS - Data Compression .................................................3-45
+DS44 - V.44 Compression Select ..................................3-46
+EB - Break Handling in Error Control Operation ............3-40
+EFCS - 32-bit Frame Check Sequence .........................3-41
+ER - Error Control Reporting..........................................3-42
+ES - Error Control and Synchronous Mode Selection ...3-38
+ESA - Configure Synchronous Access Mode ................3-52
+ESR - Selective Repeat .................................................3-40
+ETBM - Call Termination Buffer Management ...............3-44
+FAE - Auto Answer Enable ..............................................4-6
+FAR - Adaptive Reception Control.................................4-13
+FCL - Carrier Loss Timeout ...........................................4-14
+FCLASS- Select Active Service Class.............................3-2
+FCLASS=1 - Select Facsimile Class 1 Mode ..................4-6
+FCLASS=1.0 - Select Facsimile Class 1.0 Mode ............4-6
+FCLASS=8 - Select Voice Mode......................................5-4
+FDD - Double Escape Character Replacement.............4-15
+FIT - DTE Inactivity Timeout ..........................................4-16
+FLO - Flow Control.........................................................4-19
+FMI - Request Manufacturer Identification.....................4-18
+FMM - Request Model Identification ..............................4-18
+FMR - Request Revision Identification ..........................4-18
+FPR - Fixed DTE Rate ...................................................4-17
+FRH - Receive Data with HDLC Framing ......................4-12
+FRM - Receive Data ......................................................4-10
+FRS - Receive Silence.....................................................4-8
+FTH - Transmit Data with HDLC Framing ..................... 4-11
+FTM - Transmit Facsimile................................................ 4-9
+FTS - Transmit Silence.................................................... 4-7
+GCAP - Request Complete Capabilities List ................. 3-10
+GCI - Country of Installation .......................................... 3-11
+GMI - Request Manufacturer Identification...................... 3-8
+GMM - Request Model Identification ............................... 3-9
+GMR - Request Revision Identification ........................... 3-9
+GOI - Request Global Object Identification ................... 3-10
+GSN - Request Product Serial Number Identification ..... 3-9
+IFC - DTE-Modem Local Flow Control .......................... 3-23
+ILRR - DTE-Modem Local Rate Reporting.................... 3-24
+IPR - Fixed DTE Rate.................................................... 3-22
+ITF - Transmit Flow Control Thresholds........................ 3-54
+MR - Modulation Reporting Control............................... 3-36
+MS - Modulation Selection ............................................ 3-33
+PCW - Call Waiting Enable ........................................... 3-65
+PIG - PCM Upstream Ignore ......................................... 3-70
+PMH - Modem-on-Hold Enable ..................................... 3-67
+PMHF - V.92 Modem-on-Hold Hook Flash.................... 3-70
+PMHR - Initiate Modem-on-Hold ................................... 3-69
+PMHT – Modem-on-Hold Timer .................................... 3-68
+PQC - V.92 Phase 1 and Phase 2 Control .................... 3-71
+PSS - Use Short Sequence........................................... 3-72
+VBT - Buffer Threshold Setting ..................................... 5-20
+VCID - Caller ID (CID) ..................................................... 3-3
+VDR - Distinctive Ring................................................... 5-18
+VDT - Control Tone Cadence Reporting ....................... 5-19
+VDX - Speakerphone Duplex Mode .............................. 5-23
+VGM - Microphone Gain................................................ 5-24
+VGR - Voice Gain Receive (Record Gain) ...................... 5-9
+VGS - Speaker Gain...................................................... 5-25
+VGT - Voice Gain Transmit (Playback Volume) ............ 5-10
+VIP - Voice Initialize All Parameters................................ 5-5
+VIT - Voice Inactivity Timer (DTE/Modem ..................... 5-11
+VNH - Automatic Hang-up Control .................................. 5-4
+VPR - Select DTE/Modem Interface Rate).................... 5-21
+VRA - Ringback Goes Away Timer ............................... 5-13
+VRID - Caller ID (CID) ..................................................... 3-4
+VRN - Ringback Never Appeared Timer ....................... 5-14
+VRX - Start Modem Receive (Record) ............................ 5-5
+VSD - Silence Detection (Quiet and Silence ................. 5-15
+VSM - Compression Method Selection ......................... 5-16
+VSP - Speakerphone ON/OFF ...................................... 5-22
+VTD - Beep Tone Duration Timer.................................. 5-17
+VTR - Start Voice Transmission and Reception (Voice
Duplex) .................................................................. 5-6
+VTS - Send Voice Tone(s) .............................................. 5-7
+VTX - Start Modem Transmit (Playback.......................... 5-9
A - Answer ....................................................................... 3-27
AT? - Read Selected S-Parameter.................................. 3-74
AT=x - Write to Selected S-Parameter ............................ 3-74
D - Dia ............................................................................ 3-25