FloAire Pyroscat Enclosure User Manual

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Fire Rated Enclosure

Installation Technique and Design

Advisory Manual

Grease Duct Enclosure System

Air Ventilation Duct Enclosure System
Product Data & Installation Guide
1. Product Description
Thermal Ceramics Pyroscat


Duct Wrap XL is a flexible

blanket composed of high temperature fibers classified for
applications to 2192°F (1200°C) and fully encapsulated in a
durable glass fiber reinforced foil facing for easy handling and
installation. Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is UL and ULC Listed for
1 and 2 hour fire resistive enclosure protection, zero clearance
for kitchen exhaust ducts, electrical circuit protection, and as a
component in UL firestop designs for fire resistance rated
floors, ceilings, and walls. The core fibers in Pyroscat Duct
Wrap XL are manufactured using Thermal Ceramics patented


fiber which is an alkaline-earth silicate wool with

low biopersistence and therefore increased safety for
installers. Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is under UL’s Follow-Up
Service Program to ensure the consistent quality essential to
this life-safety application.

Product Features
• Thin and Lightweight at 1-1/2” (38mm) thick, 6 pcf (96 kg/m




• Contours easily to complex duct designs
• Grease duct installation UL and ULC Listed with butt joints

at all seams on both layers

• Fully foil encapsulated for fast and clean installation
• Contains 2192°F (1200°C) rated fibers
• Microbial Resistance validated by UL Environment
• Good sound absorption
• Compliant to IMC, NFPA 96, UMC, CMC, CNBC
2. Applications
• 2 hour enclosure and firestop system for kitchen exhaus duct
• Zero clearance to combustibles
• 1, 2 and 3 hour enclosure and firestop system for

hazardous exhaust ducts, pressurization ducts, clothes dryer
exhaust ducts, trash and linen chutes, and other fire rated
HVAC ducts

• 1 hour electrical circuit integrity protection
• Engineered and tested solutions for fire protection of

structural steel and storage vessels per ASTM E119,
ISO 834, and UL1709

3. Specifications - Division 23 07 00 (or 15080)
CSI Spec and AutoCAD available online,


Thermal Ceramics Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is a flexible high
temperature insulation rated to 2192°F (1200°C) that is fully
encapsulated in FSP facing. The duct enclosure system shall
be listed by UL and /or ULC per ASTM E 2336,
CAN/ULC S144 and ISO 6944 for 1-, 2- and 3-hour rating and
zero clearance to combustibles, and tested per ASTM E84 for
a flame/smoke rating less than 25/50. Insulation shall have
a nominal thickness of 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) and density of 6
lbs/ft3 (96 kg/m3). Insulation shall have a R-Value of 7.3 at
75°F. Installation shall be in strict accordance to
manufacturers published installation instructions, UL or ULC
Listings, and shop drawings. FastDoor™ XL shall be used for
duct access where specified or as required by code.

* Commonly referred to test method CA Section 01350 is CDPH Standard Method for the Testing
and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental
Chambers Version 1.1, Feb 2010

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