FingerTec Ingressus IV User Manual
Page 11

Idle/fail verifications
Success verification
Power supply cut off
NC Type (Fail safe)
Ingressus outputs constant at
12VDC. NC type door lock sys-
tem activated.
Ingressus stops to output any
power for a few seconds (config-
urable in software). NC type door
lock system deactivated.
NC type door lock system un-
NO Type (Fail secure)
Ingressus does not output any
power. NO type door lock system
Ingressus outputs constant at
12VDC for a few seconds (config-
urable in software). NO type door
lock system deactivated.
NO type door lock system remains
locking status.
Idle/fail verifications
Success verification
Power supply cut off
NC Type (Fail safe)
Ingressus outputs constant at
12VDC relay signal to the door
lock circuit. Door lock system
Ingressus stops to output relay
signal for a few seconds (config-
urable in software) to the door
lock circuit. Door lock system
Door lock system unlocks.
NO Type (Fail secure)
Ingressus does not output any re-
lay signal to the door lock circuit.
Door lock system activated.
Ingressus outputs 12VDC relay
signal to door lock circuit for a few
seconds (configurable in software).
Door lock system deactivated.
Door lock system remains locked.
However we do not recommend using power output from Ingressus. In case
of power failure in this link-up, all door locks will lose power from Ingressus.
The doors will unlock immediately. Make sure you secure the power supply
and backup power to Ingressus to ensure zero downtime while maintaining
the door lock system.
There are 2 types of wet contact, NO (normally open) and NC (normally
close). Check the type of your door lock before you choose to use either
If you are installing door lock systems with independent power supply and
backup power, you must choose to use dry contact with Ingressus. Ingres-
sus outputs a 12V relay signal to door lock system to unlock after success-
ful verification. Door lock system with independent power source can work
perfectly even if the Ingressus is down or malfunctions. This is the better and
more secure installation method.
There are 2 types of dry contact, NO (normally open) and NC (normally close).
Check the type of your door lock before you choose to use either contact.
Refer to
Wiring Diagram
for more details about the installation of Wet/Dry
contact, NO/NC output.