53u_2_3.pdf, Programming user settings – Braeburn 5300 2H-2C User Manual User Manual

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2.1 Setting Current Time of Day and Day of Week


It is important for you to set the current time of day (note AM/PM indicator in display), and the current day of week

correctly to avoid problems with program execution.

1. When in normal operating mode, press the DAY/TIME keypad button.
The LCD display will be cleared except for the time, am/pm indicator, day
of week indicator and SET. The hour portion of the time will flash. Press
the or button to set the current hour.
2. Press the DAY/TIME button again; the minute portion of the time will
flash. Press the or button to set the current minute.
3. Press the DAY/TIME button again, the day of week indicator will flash.
Press the or button to set the current day of week.


The thermostat will return to normal operating mode automatically after 30 seconds if no key is pressed. It will also

return to normal operating mode immediately if the RETURN button is pressed.

2.2 Setting Fan Control
The Fan Control has 4 modes of operation – AUTO, ON, CIRC (Recirculate) and PROG (Program). The Fan mode can be selected
by pressing the Fan button and scrolling through the modes of operation.
AUTO: In the Auto mode, the fan is turned on whenever there is a call for heating or cooling. The Auto mode is not available

if the FAN LOCK was enabled in the Installer Options (see Installer Guide).

ON: The fan runs continually.
CIRC: The fan runs for 12 minutes if there is no call for heating or cooling made after the off cycle set in Section 2.4, Setting

Thermostat User Options. This feature is available in the COOL, OFF, HEAT or EMER System Modes. The Recirculating

Fan feature can be locked on during the Installer Setup so that only CIRC or ON are available, see Installer Guide.

PROG: The fan will remain on for the entire programmed time period if it is set to ON during programming. The PROG mode

is not available if the recirculating FAN LOCK was enabled in the Installer Options, or in the non-programmable

operating mode. See Section 4.2 of the Installer Guide.








2.3 Setting Thermostat System Selection
The system can be selected by pressing the System button. There are five possible systems to select from –
AUTO: Auto can only be selected if it was enabled by the installer, see Section 4.2 of the Installer Guide. If AUTO

is selected, the system cycles between heating and cooling as determined by the setpoints. AUTO will

be displayed constantly with either HEAT or COOL depending on the indoor temperature and programmed

set temperatures.

COOL: Selected for system to run air conditioning, when there is a cooling call COOL will flash.
OFF: System is off. The room temperature, day and time will be displayed. Any extended hold or temporary

override will remain in affect unless they expire. The HEAT setting can be reviewed using the and

arrows, but there is no heat function.

HEAT: Selected for system to run heat, when there is a heating call HEAT will flash.
EMER: This is only available if a 2 Stage Heat Pump was selected by the installer; see Section 4.2 of the Installer

Guide. If selected EMER will be displayed constantly, when there is a heating call HEAT will flash. Only

the 2nd stage heat will run.

2.4 Setting Thermostat User Options
The default user options are compatible with most systems and applications. They are normally set at the time
of installation and usually do not require any modification under normal operating conditions. If you desire to
change these settings simply follow the instructions below.


If at any time while in the User Options Mode, you desire not to make any further changes, you can wait

30 seconds without pressing any keys to return to the normal operating mode.


The first and second stage differential settings are the same for both the heating and cooling systems.
