53u_18_19.pdf – Braeburn 5300 2H-2C User Manual User Manual
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3.8 Adaptive Recovery Mode (ARM™)
In order to maximize comfort and energy efficiency, this thermostat is equipped with Adaptive Recovery Mode
(ARM™). This feature minimizes the amount of time required by the heating or cooling system to reach the new
setpoint after a setback period is completed, and assures your desired temperature is achieved near your set
program times.
This feature activates when recovering room temperature from setback programs to comfort programs, so it will
only take place when the current (heating) program setpoint temperature is lower than the upcoming program
setpoint temperature, or the current (cooling) program setpoint temperature is higher than the upcoming program
setpoint temperature. This feature can be turned off during Installer Setup see section 4.2 of the Installer Guide.
During ARM™, room temperature is recovered gradually by turning on the heating or cooling before the end of the
set back period. In a multi-stage configuration room temperature is recovered gradually by using only the first stage
heating or cooling until the last 20 minutes, to minimize the use of the 2nd stage heating or cooling. The setpoint
temperature is changed to that of the upcoming comfort program temperature. The start time of recovery is based
on the difference between the current room temperature and the upcoming comfort program setpoint temperature.
The recovery to the upcoming heating setpoint starts 10 minutes before the upcoming setpoint time for each
degree of temperature change required, up to a maximum of 2 hours. The recovery to the upcoming cooling
setpoint starts 15 minutes before the upcoming setpoint time for each degree of temperature change required, up
to a maximum of 3 hours.
ARM™ does not operate when the unit is in the temporary or extended HOLD mode, if the program is temporarily
overridden or if emergency heat is selected for multi-stage heat pumps. It also does not operate unless it was
enabled during the Installer Setup, see section 4.2 of the Installer Guide.
3.9 Recirculating Fan Feature (see section 2.4.6)
The Recirculating Fan Mode provides more even temperature
distribution and improves indoor air quality by circulating air through
the furnace filtration system more often. The thermostat is put into
the Recirculating Fan Mode by pressing the
FAN button until the
CIRC icon is displayed. If no call for heating or cooling occurs within
the fan off cycle set in section 2.4.6, the fan will run for 12 minutes.
The highest setting, 120 minutes, will run the fan least often – 9% minimum running time. The lowest setting, 24
minutes (factory default), will run the fan most often – 33% minimum running time. During any call for heating or
cooling, fan control operates in the AUTO mode. The Recirculating Fan feature is available in the COOL, OFF, HEAT,
or EMER mode. The Recirculating Fan can be “locked on” in the Installer Options, so that the only fan selections
available to the user are CIRC and ON.
3.10 Programmable Independent Fan Control
The Programmable Independent Fan Control allows the user to run the fan continuously during a selected time
period, such as MORN, if
PROG fan mode is selected with the fan button, (section 2.2 of this manual) and the fan
was set to ON when that time period was programmed. The PROG mode is not available if the recirculating
LOCK was enabled in the Installer Setup or in the non-programmable operating mode. See section 4.2 of the
Installer Guide.
3.11 Auxiliary Heat Fossil Fuel Switch
This thermostat is equipped with an auxiliary heat option switch which is set at installation for either an electric or
fossil fuel (gas, oil or propane) auxiliary heat source. For heat pump units with an electric auxiliary stage, both the
first and second stages of heating will run when a call for second stage heat is made. For heat pump units with a
fossil fuel auxiliary stage, the first stage will be locked out one minute after a second stage heat call, and the
second stage will only be used.