ALTANA Haze-Gard Plus Operating Instructions User Manual
Page 38

For values over 99.9, the fourth
byte is always a blank (20h). The
number of decimal digits matches
the value appearing on the
instrument display.
If the specimen must be moved
from the haze port to the clarity
port, a 77h (ASCII code for lower-
case ‘w’) is sent between the
associated measured values.
In Continuous Mode, only one
measured value is transmitted to
the PC if the PC has previously
transmitted a 04h (= operate). In
this case, only the measured value
for the current measuring geometry
is transmitted (only one geometry is
possible in Continuous Mode). For
this, the instrument sends the PC a
66h (ASCII code for lower-case ‘f’)
and then four (ASCII) characters for
the value, as for individual
measurements. The transfer
concludes with a 0 byte. Since only
one parameter can be measured
while the instrument is in
Continuous Mode, define the
parameter you want as a single
parameter before activating
Continuous Mode.
Online Mode is terminated with 50h
(ASCII code for ‘P’).
Readout of a Statistics Memory
Sending 51h (ASCII code for ‘Q’)
notifies the instrument that a
statistics memory is to be read out.
The instrument acknowledges the
request and waits for the number of
the statistics memory that
corresponds with the associated
measuring mode (e.g., 06h =
After receipt of the number of the
statistic memory, the number of
measured values is transferred.
Then come the measured values
(2 byte = 1 Integer LSB, MSB) and
after this time and date when the
measurements were taken (time = 2
bytes, mm:hh; date = 3 bytes,
dd:mm:yy). The transmitted year is
the difference between the current
year and 1980.
Following the sequence of the
selected geometry, values are
multiplied by 100 (up to 2 decimal
places possible) and transmitted
to the PC as integers (2 bytes LSB,
Readout of a statistics memory is
also possible in Online Mode.