Standards 11 – ALTANA Micro-Haze Plus User Manual

Page 40

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DIN 67 530

Reflektometer als Hilfsmittel zur Glanzbeurteilung an
ebenen Anstrich- und Kunststoff-Oberflächen

ISO 2813

Paints and varnishes – Measurement of specular gloss
of non-metallic paint films at 20°, 60° and 85°

(Peintures et vernis – Mesurage de la reflexion
spéculaire de feuils de peinture non métallisé 20°, 60°
et 85°)

ASTM D 523

Standard Test Method for Specular Gloss

ASTM D 2457

Standard Test Method for Specular Gloss of Plastic

BS 3900

British Standard Methods of Test for Paints:

(Part D5)

Gloss (Specular Reflection Value)

JIS Z 8741

Method of Measurement for Specular Glossiness

ASTM E 430

Standard Test Method for Measurement of Gloss of
High-Gloss Surfaces by Goniophotometry
