1introduction 6 – Cub Cadet 7532 User Manual
Page 12

Electrical Shock
Electrical shock occurs when faulty electric device is used or when misused.
Make sure to maintain the electric devices in good condition and perform the operation test frequently. Indicate the
faulty device and remove it from the working area.
Make sure there are no wear disconnection, distortion, disconnection or cracks in the electrical wire, cable, plug and
Do not let the electric devices in contact with water.
Make sure the electric devices are protected with appropriate volume of fuse.
Operate the electric devices properly and do not use any devices with failure. If the above items are not followed, it
may cause a fatal accident.
Take caution not to damage the cable of movable electric devices by getting trapped by lift, etc.
Operators for electric devices must be trained for a basis first-aid.
In case of electrical shock accident;
• Turn off the power and approach to the victim.
• If unable to turn off the power, pull the victim away from the power source by using a dry non-conductive tool.
• Perform an artificial respiration if familiar.
• Call the medical staff.
Exhaust Gas
The exhaust gas contains suffocative harmful and toxic chemical substances and particles such as carbon monoxide,
nitric oxide, aldehyde, lead and hydrogen oxide. When actuating the engine, avoid working in the closed area and
work in a place with sufficient exhaustion and ventilation system.
Diesel Engine
When the gas reaches to the dangerous density, it will warn by soot, smell, and irritation.
Most of the parts and materials used for vehicle repair are high in flammability and may generate harmful and toxic
gas by burning.
Make sure to follow the cautionary items on fire prevention for handling and storage of flammable part, materials,
and solvents. Take special caution at working around electrical equipment.
Make sure the area is clear from danger of fire before using the electric devices.
Provide a fire extinguisher at using the electric devices.
First Aid
It is requested to fulfill the requirements regulated by law as well as train the staff with first aid treatment.
Wash the eye over 10 minutes with clean running water if any chemical substances enter.
Wash with water and soup if attached to the skin.
Immediately take a deep breath with fresh air outside when inhaled gas or vapor. If the condition does not improve,
consult the doctor.
If swallowed the chemical substances by accident, show the chemical container or label to the doctor and consult.
Unless not indicated in the container, do not vomit.