Caution – BUCHI Nano Spray Dryer B-90 User Manual
Page 40

5 Putting into operation
B-90 Operation Manual, Version B
g Put the plastic distance sheet on top of the
electrode cylinder.
h Put the centerpiece holder on the plastic
distance sheet.
i Adjust the four screw rings on the metal
bars to touch the underside of the distance
sheet. Fix them tightly with an hex-wrench.
Finally, remove the plastic distance sheet again
by pulling it out towards the front.
After correct installation it is possible to remove
the complete electrode cylinder assembly
towards the front.
Glass cylinder installation
Risk of minor or moderate cuts when handling damaged glass parts.
• Handle glass parts with care
• Visually inspect every glass part before mounting
• Exchange damaged glass parts immediately
• Do not touch cracks or bits of broken glass with bare hands
Clean all glass parts before mounting to avoid cross contamination.
Cylinder assembly tall set-up
a Mount a flat sealing ring on the bottom of the lower
glass cylinder.
b Place the glass cylinder on the centerpiece holder.
c Position the glass-to-glass sealing on top of the
lower glass cylinder. The smaller diameter has to be
on top towards the spray cylinder.
d Position the second flat sealing ring on top of the
spray cylinder.
e Place the spray cylinder on top of the glass-to-glass
All sealings are part of the sealing set (order no. 051778).