Vi. rheoloader user's manual, Vi.1 description of b.e.v.i.s. commands, Vi.1 – Brookfield DV-III Rheometer User Manual

Page 47: Description of b.e.v.i.s. commands

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Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

Page 47

Manual No. M/98-211-A0701

VI. Rheoloader User's Manual

B.E.V.I.S. (Brookfield Engineering Rheometer Instruction Set) is a scripting language developed
at Brookfield Engineering Laboratories that allows for the creation of flexible programs to control
our line of Rheometers. In the case of the DV-III+ Rheometer, programs are created then loaded
into the Rheometer using the RheoLoader software.

Some features of the scripting language are:
• Repeatedly run the same program for quality control purposes.
• Wait for a prevailing condition before continuing with the program (i.e. torque value, a

temperature value, a key press, etc.).

• Run the Rheometer at any of the speeds in the Custom Speed menu.
• Display messages to the screen or an attached printer to aid in operator usability.
• An internal clock that keeps time between each printed data line (this time is displayed as the last

parameter on each printed line) providing a consistent time base for the collected data.

VI.1 Description of B.E.V.I.S. Commands

Command Code

Required Parameter Command Description


Time (MM:SS)

The program waits at this step until the specified time elapses.


% Torque value

The program waits at this step until the current % torque equals the


especifed value.


Temperature value

The program waits at this step until the current temperature equals the




specified value.


16 character (or less)

The specified message is displayed on the top line of the DV-III+ display

text message

while PRESS A KEY is displayed on the bottom line of the DV-III+. The
program waits at this step until a viscometer key is pressed. While
waiting at this step, the viscometer produces a beep every few seconds
to remind the operator that a keypress is required to continue. If a print
interval was enabled (see SPI) at the time this command is executed,
the data print timer continues to count up. If the print interval elapses
and a key has not yet been pressed, a line of data displaying the time
since the last data print is printed as soon as a key is pressed.


Speed value

The DV-III+ begins rotating at the specified speed. This can be any of


the speeds listed in the Speed list of the DVLoader software. These
speeds are the same as those listed in the Custom Speeds list in the
viscometer’s Options menu.



The DV-III+ begins printing data to the selected printer (serial or parallel;


as selected in the DV-III+ menus) at the rate specified. MM:SS is


Two digit spindle code

Calculations of viscosity, shear stress, and shear rate are performed
based on the specified spindle code. This command overrides the
spindle currently entered via the keypad on the DV-III+.


Temperature value

Set and control to the specified temperature if a Brookfield
Engineering Labs. temperature controller is attached to the rheometer.



Sets the data print timer clock back to zero.



The DV-III+ immediately prints a data string to the selected printer (serial
or parallel; as selected in the DV-III+ menus).


16 character (or less)

The DV-III+ prints the specified message to the selected printer (serial

text message

or parallel; as selec


ed in the DV-III+ menus).

NOTE: MM:SS is minutes:seconds