Iv.3 bevis programs, Iv.3, Bevis programs – Brookfield DV-III Rheometer User Manual
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Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
Page 34
Manual No. M/98-211-A0701
IV.3 Bevis Programs
The B.E.V.I.S. Programming Method allows the operator to control the DV-III+ through the
variables of speed, temperature and time while providing for independent data collection.
Programs can include up to 25 commands with a maximum data count of 800. The DV-III+ can
store up to 10 programs. Upon completion of the program the data may be viewed on the DV-
III+ display, analyzed or printed to an attached parallel or serial printer.
B.E.V.I.S. programs are created on a PC using Rheoloader software (supplied with the DV-
III+). See Section VI for details. The programs are "loaded" onto the DV-III+. Loaded pro-
grams cannot be deleted, but can be overwritten.
The B.E.V.I.S. program menu is accessed by pressing the PROG key and selecting number 2, 2
= B.E.V.I.S. The loading and execution of B.E.V.I.S. programs are described in the following
B.E.V.I.S. operations are accessed by pressing the “2” key when in the PROGRAM MODES
menu. The user is immediately presented with:
Figure 50
This screen informs the user that the B.E.V.I.S. program in storage slot 3 is current (“last used”) and
that it may be run by pressing the “2” key or another program may be selected by pressing the “2”
key. It should be noted that entrance to the B.E.V.I.S. program mode makes the last used program
available for printing or running. Thus the user, seeing that a program was resident in slot 3, could
have printed it directly from the above screen by pressing the front panel
To select a program the user presses the “1” key and is presented with:
Figure 51
The user is informed that the current (or “last used”) program is no. 3; that programs 0,1,2,3 and 4
are available for immediate use and that five (5) slots: 5,6,7,8 and 9 are empty and are available for
download from a host computer. A press of the
key would select the current program (i.e.
“3”) for use while a press of an appropriate numeric key 0,1,2,3 and 4 would select that specific